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4.5 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
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Posted 11 January.
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1,988.9 hrs on record (98.3 hrs at review time)
Posted 18 July, 2024.
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359.1 hrs on record (197.7 hrs at review time)
Posted 24 February, 2024.
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96.2 hrs on record (11.4 hrs at review time)
Stupid cerebral palsy operator, have you ever played games on your own? Mahlegobi created an anti cheating game from the ancient XP era to maintain a PVE game, and then your mother, a stinky idiot, still had a lot of cheats flying around. Garbage anti cheating crashed and crashed all day long, causing errors and crashes. If your server garbage couldn't match people, forget it. I'll wait a few more times or if it really doesn't work, I can find someone to hack. Your mother, a stinky idiot, can play a level 6 or 7 difficulty level for half an hour, and after the mission ends, you can give me an error and crash and retreat? I'm really cursing your mother:)
Posted 10 February, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
14.5 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
If you don't want to transplant a game well and don't need to forcibly transplant a PC platform, what kind of junk did you transplant an annual game into? The configuration of the i9-13900k+4090 can't even bring your 2k image quality. What are you doing? Is this your final work? If you don't know how to optimize the game, you can learn CAPCOM. The latest version of Resident evil 4 by others is much better than you, and the optimization is also much better than you. No one forces you to go on the PC platform, so you can continue to be the exclusive owner of your PlayStation platform. However, since you have done the transplantation, you need to be responsible for all PC players, and you earn the money of PC players, Players will always be your God!
ゲームをうまく移植したくない場合や、PCプラットフォームを強制的に移植する必要がない場合は、年間ゲームをどのようなゴミに移植しましたか。i 9-13900 k+4090の構成では、2 kの画質を実現することもできません。何してるの?これはあなたの最後の作品ですか。ゲームの最適化方法を知らなければ、カプコンを学ぶことができます。他の人の最新版の『バイオハザード4』はあなたよりずっと良くて、最適化もあなたよりずっと良いです。PCプラットフォームの使用を強要する人はいないので、PlayStationプラットフォームの独占所有者になり続けることができます。しかし、移植をした以上、すべてのPCプレイヤーに責任を負う必要があります。あなたが稼いだのはPCプレイヤーのお金で、プレイヤーは永遠にあなたの神です!
Posted 28 March, 2023. Last edited 29 March, 2023.
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13.9 hrs on record (13.2 hrs at review time)
Posted 26 March, 2023. Last edited 27 March, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
41.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Too bad. In terms of the overall experience of the game, I can give him 75 points at the current test stage, but the poor PC optimization makes me unable to give him a higher score. At present, the 2K picture quality of the top RTX4090 graphics card cannot run to 130 frames in the operation mode, and the frame number in the multiplayer online mode is even worse. I hope that the game company can update the new content after first improving the game picture optimization, What's the use of more interesting content if players can't even achieve the most basic stable and smooth operation?
Posted 14 March, 2023.
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12 people found this review helpful
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132.7 hrs on record (66.6 hrs at review time)
Fool EA, now it's 2023 to make a game. You can't get in even if you want to. Your stupid APP is like ♥♥♥♥. The game is flashing back desperately. It doesn't support the latest NVIDIA graphics card driver. You won't make a game. Go back and drink your mother's milk. There's no reason for so many bad comments. Fool DICE mother is dead
Posted 14 March, 2023. Last edited 14 March, 2023.
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25.9 hrs on record (22.2 hrs at review time)
玩了将近20小时了,游戏非常不错,内容充实,画面绝赞,魔法对决也是可以用各种连招, 挺有意思的。购买的豪华版提前三天游玩游戏希望给小伙伴们一个小评价,游戏目前的唯一问题就是优化还是有点小问题,我的配置是i9-13900k+NTX4090的显卡,2k全高画质下稳定能在200FPS左右,但是有些地方还是会有小掉帧,优化还是不怎么理想,但是这一点不影响哈米的热情,对于游戏的画面来说已经值回票价了,如果是哈利波特的粉丝强烈建议入手,如果对于魔法这方面的游戏不感兴趣的通过这游戏也能感受到哈利波特魔法世界的奇妙体验,勾起你对魔法的兴趣与探索欲望,抛去优化的问题满分十分的话我愿意给这个游戏8.5分的评分!强烈推荐,同时也希望能够对游戏进行一个优化,如果能加入魁地奇的玩法那就更好了。十分不错的佳作
Posted 10 February, 2023.
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18.3 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
换了4090+13900k的配置全程DLSS3.0 2K画质基本保持在300帧+ ,游戏的内容还是非常优秀,最后姐弟之情分别确实非常的感人,游戏的画面效果非常的优秀,配乐剧情也给人非常身临其境的感觉,看结尾最后一个画面应该又有马库拉出现了, 阿米西亚应该会去寻找新的携者和保护人去给予他们帮助,期待第三部作品,游戏无论是剧情操作还是配乐都是上乘之作,唯一不足的是游戏的优化还是有待提高,很多地方掉帧都是因为显卡并没有百分百的占用导致,希望制作组打开40系显卡之前显卡的DLSS提升游戏性能。全游戏流程大约15+左右,望采纳。
Posted 17 October, 2022. Last edited 29 January, 2023.
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