4 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
0.8 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 58.3 óra a nyilvántartásban (1.4 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2023. okt. 18., 12:05
Frissítve: 2023. okt. 18., 12:21

Korai hozzáférési értékelés
What is Dreadhunter? Well, if you put Doom Eternal in top down view and mix in some Diablo (Blizzard) and Alien Shooter (Sigma Team) elements you get Dreadhunter. The game looks decent in the graphics department, has nice soundtrack, very fluid gameplay, but does require some further performance optimization. Even though it's Early Access, it still can be a lot of fun and the game oozes with potential to be one of the best isometric twin stick shooters on the market. It isn't without flaws, unfortunately. There are minimal graphics options (Resolution, V-Sync, Fullscreen settings and FPS lock - that's it, seriously); some of the more advanced tuning and moddind of weapons and character are not available in this version and it has quite a steep price of 35 dollars. Also the story isn't particulary intersting or compelling. But overall, it's a good game at core and in time it's gonna be epic if the devs keep working on it.
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