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Đạt được 0 trên 23 (0%) thành tựu:
Thành tựu cá nhân

One Night Stand

Spent a night with Dahlia


Became friends with Jonah

Penny Pincher

Used dirty methods to avoid payment

Not on my watch

Overpowered the gawper

I Want to Believe - The I Files

Found a couple of weird City Hall records

Video Games are Evil

Played a creepy Arcade Game

History Lesson

Discovered fragments from Innsmouth’s history


Wrongdoings have consequences

Welcome to the Hotel Massachusetts

Survived a night in the Gilman Hotel

Cthulhu fhtagn!

Played through all endings

Seen it all

Discovered all of Innsmouth

Còn lại 12 thành tựu ẩn

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