Ezzz VAC
Borgarnes, Myrasysla, Iceland
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All the players in this group should be Hydra Pass Holders,So you can add the players and post to complete all the missions easily
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954 Jam dimainkan
best game ever i played in my life...5/5 star
Fr()$T \ Hats off 3 Jan 2020 @ 4:20am 
All Delhi,Indore,Gwalior and nearby csgo gamers we got a new tournament
for you! We at ABV-IIITM Gwalior,
Madhya Pradesh are hosting Cultural Fest with several great events to compete in!
We also have CS:GO ESPORTS Tournament Under GAMIACS! You can
also Pay 800 for a room accomodation covering
the 4 days of our fest.

Prize Pool - 40k + Sponsored Goodies

Entry fee - INR ₹ 349/-

For more info. DM me
Alexis ✫ 12 Okt 2019 @ 12:21pm 
🐠 ❦ 📒 ❦ 🌳 ❦ 👾 ❦ 💃 ❦ 🌏 ❦ 📀 ❦ ⛳ ❦ 🎈 ❦ 🐛 ❦ ⚡ ❦ 🐟 ❦ 👳 ❦ 🚙
Mulder: OK, it's not yet the finely detailed insanity that
you've come to expect from me, but...
Scully: From a dry skin sample, you're concluding, what? - that
he's some kind of fat-sucking vampire?

"The X-Files: 2SHY"

Skinner: If you can't keep you head, it's OK to step away.
Scully: That's exactly what they want.

"The X-Files: Aprocrypha"
📘 ❦ 🏓 ❦ 😺 ❦ 🌸 ❦ 🐊 ❦ 🎫 ❦ 💚 ❦ 🌽 ❦ 👔 ❦ 👹 ❦ 🕺 ❦ 🏀 ❦ 👽 ❦ 💛
clip clop head shot 21 Sep 2017 @ 5:43pm 
Hahahaha "I played since the start" nice ban kid
✔ ¡ғυcĸ yoυ tradeit.gg 14 Sep 2017 @ 7:16am 
Ez BaN Noob
ChumaY 11 Sep 2017 @ 7:14am 
haah you prick
-*-*-*-*- 11 Sep 2017 @ 5:43am 
ez noob ;)