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1 вписана VAC забрана | Информация
1890 ден(дни) от последна забрана
Amy 8 окт. 2020 в 10:59 
Kaylee: "So, what happpened? Was there a terrible brawl?"
Zoe: "Oddly enough, there was."
Wash: "Are you getting my wife into trouble?"
Mal: "What? I didn't start it! I just wanted a quiet drink."
Zoe: "Funny, sir, how you always seem to find yourself in an
Alliance-friendly bar come U-Day, looking for a quiet drink."
Mal: "See, this is another sign of your tragic space dementia, all paranoid
and crotchety. It breaks the heart."
Rjatnikov'<3 12 май 2019 в 5:20 
ma neelan kõik alla
Rjatnikov'<3 11 май 2019 в 6:53 
Sparzz 4 май 2019 в 13:39 
kõva mees 18 март 2019 в 13:13 
crete 18 март 2019 в 13:10 
Tere siin on Eesti Federal Beuration of Intelligence, me oleme teavitatud, et te olete küsinud alaealistelt lastel raha. See on väga suur kriminaal tegu Eestis. Homme oleme teie ukse taga ja lähete kohtusse.