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Recent reviews by DarthJig011

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40.4 hrs on record (27.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is great, although it can get a little boring after a while. It's a great sandbox, and honestly has ruined the lack of gun play in other games for me
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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44.3 hrs on record (16.6 hrs at review time)
Posted 21 February, 2020.
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17.7 hrs on record
Its good bob
Posted 25 January, 2020.
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21.0 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Posted 24 January, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
37.8 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
Posted 23 December, 2019.
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756.0 hrs on record (602.9 hrs at review time)
Posted 22 December, 2019.
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2,246.7 hrs on record (1,228.5 hrs at review time)
When I first started playing the game I thought that the game was fun and that the realism was insane for free. I also thought that the higher I went up in the tech trees the more fun I would have. That was how it started for me but lately it's just gotten tedious and boring. This could be due to getting burned out of it but I don't think that's the complete truth.

To start out with, without mentioning the constant bugs, balancing and economy changes that have a negative impact on the experience overall, the core game can be fun. As an example my friend and I had both recently gotten Mig-21s in the German tech tree and found that top tier was atrocious. The constant missile spam really takes away from the experience as there really is no way to get away from them, especially the R-60s which I still have not unlocked (more on this later). Anyways, my friend and I literally just started a 1v1 custom game, and dogfighted for about an hour straight. We may have gotten a little frustrated at the hit reg, but overall it was immensely more enjoyable than anything i had done in that game for at least since Christmas. the TLDR of this paragraph is just it can be enjoyable in the most basic and simplest form, but adding all the BS to the mix just makes it horrible.

Secondly, I wanted to mention the broken economy system. Every game you earn research towards your next vehicle, and some silver lions to buy those vehicles. How much you get depends on what consumables you have on, or if your account is premium or not. This is all fine and well, it makes you work a little bit and allows a bit of satisfaction when you take it out for a spin. What's not very enjoyable is the amount of research and SL you get, when compared to how much some of the more advanced technologies cost. for instance, all Rank 6 planes cost at least 380,000 Rp and minimum 990,000 SL. this is especially painful when you can average around 1-2k per game, and this is with a good game and without paying money. not to mention that to get to the very best planes, you have to also research sometimes upwards of 3 of these rank 6 planes. The ground battle are probably even worse. the maps are designed horribly so that sometimes you can't even get a single kill, and not to mention a good game in ground battles will earn you even less research per a game than air battles will, adding to the grind and length which it takes to get any remotely top tier tank. Okay, so you've finally researched that cool plane you wanted so bad to play? well you still have to pay an obscene amount. Gaijin also has implemented a repair cost to every vehicle, if you vehicle gets destroyed then you have to pay it. on a lot of the vehicles gaijin renders "OP" they won't end up actually balancing the vehicle, they'll just increase this, making it very hard to earn a profit when using it. this creates a divide of average skill people not using it because it drains them of SL, while skilled players who can turn a profit end up abusing it. A friend mentioned a decent fix to this problem. Instead of actually just taking lions and making players go into negatives, why don't you just not give SL for battle. For instance if you die from the start and don't make enough to offset the repair cost, then just not give any sl to the player, and not punish them for playing a plane that they worked hard on, or even worse paid money to play.

thirdly, i want to talk of the "premium" time and vehicles. I'm again okay with this being in the game, but not to the amount it actually affects the enjoyability of the game. Premium items should only be there as a way to fast forward, and they do this role in the game, but they should not pretty much be basically mandatory to do anything in this game. Without a premium account some of my friends struggle to make any sl even on good games, just because the repair costs end up giving it to them up the backside. some don't even have half of the planes they've researched purchased. On another note the ideas of premium vehicles is also okay, i would like them to be reserved for maybe only captured or strange and unique vehicles that might peek some interest to players. instead they have implemented vehicles that allow players to skip the effort of playing and just go right up to high tiers for the extremely steep price of 50-60$. If these were balanced I would care a little less but, for example the mig-17 is at br 9.0. you can buy the exact same plane in another tech tree that comes with an afterburner and Air to air missiles with it. it still remains at 9.0, and outperforms its tech tree variants. the F-89D is another vehicle that has gained prominence among the community for being broken. it is able to single handedly carry an entire team and has gone unchanged for the last 2 patches. It's becoming increasingly clear that Gaijin jsut wants money and really has not care for balance

Fourthly, i feel like gaijin just adds vehicles to the game, (sometimes it seems without play testing) just to boast 1000+ vehicles. Many of these vehicles are just fluff that have no real effect on the game. Instead of balancing, fixing, and updating the current list of planes, they leave half of there planes unfinished without cockpits, or broken flight models. I would rather they just stop adding vehicles and focus on making the game somewhat playable, and enjoyable.

To rank each vehicles effectiveness in battle they use a battle rating system from 1.0 to 10.7 (10.3 for planes). You can only fight a 1.0 range above and below you. this, again would be fine if it weren't for the variety and amount of vehicles squished between these two numbers. Most of the time when they add a vehicle it is either horrible at its tier, or overpowered at its tier, with no in between because of the compressed battle ratings. this essentially can boil down to most of the vehicles absolutely sucking and having little to no place at all in the game, or it can create one vehicle that is spammed and is just crushing anything it goes up against. most of the time these are just up tiered to make the vehicle, like I said before just unplayable and uncompetitive. the F-104s for instance were overpowered at the tier they were put at, so they got moved up one br (0.3) and are just absolutely not good. Occasionally if they can't find a place for a vehicle they'll just remove it from the game entirely. I'm strictly against this policy as making it useless is 1000 times better than removing it completely. It disappoints those who want to get it, but haven't reached it yet.

the inconsistencies are absolute trash. Pretty much all cannons mounted in a plane are going to do something to the enemy. even if it's solid AP it's still a large shell going through the plane. i've had times were I run out of ammo just because my guns have ceased to do any critical damage to the enemy. I've come to find the motto " the most effective guns are the ones in the plane behind you.

Finally to finish, at all BRs but especially the high ones, vehicles gain modifications as you gain experience with them. the only problem is that you sometimes need these modifications to make the vehicle actually work as it's supposed to. there are attack and ground attack aircraft that don't come with any ground attack options stock. there are torpedo bombers that don't come with any torpedos stock. Then at high tiers no tech tree planes get Air to Air missiles stock. this is a major pain as they are normally 2-3 ranks in the modifications, with each modification taking from 15,000-25,000 each. This makes it extremely painful when you're only fighting other vehicles that have a plain inherent advantage over you until you suffer for a week. this also applies to tanks, as some tanks don't come with thermal vision, and none come stock, so you end up suffering during any battle, especially night because everyone else can see you while you can't. The game has potential but needs a competitor.
Posted 29 November, 2019. Last edited 21 July, 2020.
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601.8 hrs on record (565.5 hrs at review time)
it good
Posted 2 November, 2019.
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21.1 hrs on record (18.8 hrs at review time)
I enjoyed the game although i think the campaign is the best part of it. the multiplayer is decent but i dont enjoy the boost and thruster jumps
Posted 21 June, 2018.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries