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MDLNMDANGER 4 May, 2022 @ 3:06am 
40 years after it's release he could still see what those other "gamers" were saying about him on his profile page; "You're still playing Civ. VI?" "There are other 4X games." "You will never 100% that game!"..."Fools" he thought as he stood over the ancient altar in the lost temple of Sid Meier grasping his laptop firmly.
Sean Bean's voice echoes in his head; "You've finally done it. After 40 long years." He smiles dejectedly; he remembers his comrades."But at what cost."
As he completes the ritual for the final achievement, the entire temple shakes violently beneath him.
"It's done." he thought.
Suddenly a wide fissure splits open beneath the altar, he feels a strange feeling of relief as the spirits and knowledge of a thousand ancient civilizations course through his veins. His fingers crackle with lightning as he levitates ominously from his gaming chair as he exclaims: "MORTALS, I HAVE SEEN ALL 307 ENDINGS OF CIVILIZATION. YOU CAUSE 306 OF THEM......EXCEPT THIS ONE."