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Recente recensies door WATCH_UR_BACK

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10.6 uur in totaal
After finishing the game I have a lot of things to say.First of all the story isn't really that long but it ain't that short either.I would like to see the story being a little more longer.Second of all the game has some smooth and beautiful graphics.Third of all it has a nice combat system.Fourth of all it has some nice animations and a plot twist. Fifth of all it has a lot of realistic environments,places and aspects.In total conclusion the game has been incredible made and I would recommend the game to the people of the steam community!!!!
Geplaatst 1 november 2020.
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3.9 uur in totaal
After finishing the whole game I have a couple of things to say. First of all the game has some nice and smooth graphics. Second of all it has a nice plot story which is what it makes it so interesting and fun to play. Third of all I would like to see it being longer in order to finish it. Fourth of all the walking talking corn and the little bear are so hilarious and funny specific the Russian little bear. In conclusion I do recommend the steam community people to buy this game if they are looking for a puzzle game or something that is hilariously funny!!!!
Geplaatst 1 november 2020. Laatst gewijzigd 1 november 2020.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
1,434.6 uur in totaal (179.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
After a couple hours of playing the game, I would not suggest it.A lot of people in this community are toxic and racist.The game is allowing everyone to kick anyone in your team (CT or T). You also get banned from getting kicked just cause you play differently or for any other random reason. I find it a very false move to get banned for this reason since the community has a lot of toxic members, which makes it very interesting since they don't get anyone banned for their toxicity and throwing behavior but get you banned from being kicked !
Geplaatst 1 november 2020. Laatst gewijzigd 2 november 2023.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
1,491.3 uur in totaal (1,490.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I have more then 4000h in game for us much I have experienced I would't suggest the game 2 anyone. Ubisoft when tries to fix something creates the double ammount of bugs and exploits so people use them in order to win the game. The community of the game is very toxic ,the rank system is still in beta after all those many years, and of course the matchmaking is always unfair cuz of the ping abusers and the different ranks of the players you are always against. Also I was about to forget talking about hackers somehow they can kill you before you even spawn sooo its kinda awesome to see ubisoft doing like quite nothing about it. In the end I am gonna talk about the invalid shots like you are going to experience that sometimes you might hit a player with your whole clip and he is still going to kill you with 2-3 of his bullets so when people get mad and toxic they get banned because ubisoft can't fix and they will never fix their own game! Also game sound sometimes its broken, which means that you might hear him behind you but he is going 2 be in front of you and that happens because ubisoft did such a great job with that too.Also known when you start a rank match , they never connect you to it so once you restart your game and press reconnect they are still not going to let you back in the game making you lose elo of course and get banned for 15mins as an abandon penalty which they think its fair to kick you of match sometimes or even disconnect you by their servers, thats all I had to say , UBISOFT YOU MADE SUCH A GREAT GAME AGAIN !!!!
Geplaatst 22 augustus 2019. Laatst gewijzigd 1 november 2020.
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2,892.8 uur in totaal (2,531.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The first time I bought RUST was (31 DECEMBER 2016) when it was still on it's alpha version. I am very proud and happy to say that this is a game I recommend. I have seen a lot of positive work from the developers and the love they got for their game. The game is active and often updated has a very good working ban systems and a lot more items and work to be added. This is actually the first game I see developers making an mobile app for the game in order to be warned that you are getting raided, or even spectate the areas you want, which is INCREDIBLE. A lot of great work and love for the game which is the reason of why this game is so famous, you only need 2 words to describe the game JUST AMAZING.Let's be realistic thought it has some bugs and issues here and there but which game doesn't got right? The developers are always doing their best and they always fix any issue or bug that's on their way. The only bad thing it's the toxic community, which can easily be ignored after the whole positive image of the game it's self. In conclusion the game is very good and I do recommend the people of the steam community to buy it !
Geplaatst 6 juli 2019. Laatst gewijzigd 24 november 2022.
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