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投稿日: 2017年3月29日 23時32分
更新日: 2017年3月30日 2時48分

An excellent software,For people who can't be tidy by nature.It's a good choice to use it with Wallpaper Engine.BTW,we need more languages,please add Chinese.

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27 件のコメント
Oliver 2017年5月26日 0時26分 
PIG 2017年4月15日 4時36分 
HansGruber 2017年4月4日 17時44分 
怎么说呢,Fences能隐藏桌面图标以及自动分类(可自定义分类),栅栏到桌边自动隐藏鼠标过去自动呼出,这样就能给Wallpaper Engine的桌面背景扫除了图标障碍,给你一个干净整洁的桌面。还有许多定制化的功能我没怎么去研究,中文评测有几个讲得很详细,你可以参考一下他们的。@Nekorb
我说另请高明吧 2017年4月4日 8時03分 
skarekroww 2017年4月4日 6時05分 
@Killjoy Hans I found out (thanks wallpaper engine devs) that in order to run both, you need to had a solid black background. It now runs perfectly
HansGruber 2017年4月3日 15時36分 
Personally I run these two apps without any problems and they all work well in both my desktop and laptop.Try to reinstall,if you aren't gonna make it,please describe more details.@[TPCK] Skarekroww
skarekroww 2017年4月3日 10時59分 
How the fuck do you get it to work with wallpaper engine
我说另请高明吧 2017年3月30日 17時28分 
"Maybe you got too many eletrical shocks" or may be you got raped by your bishop when you're a little boy?that's not a rarely seen issue in US too, isn't it?Few victims,big news,looks alike.

There're hackers in China pirating copyrights,so this Chinese guy ask for language support is helping hackers?I don't think an adult wound think and speak like that.

Google some specialized words don't makes you looks educated when you talk like a baby without logic in your mother tongue

At least KH purchased this software and he deserved to get the support-at least ask for a support. He don't deserve an loser disgust him.

And I don't have time to read your bullshit,how about you read some chinese?Or English is an only ability that you can showing off?
@The Dorkmeister 3000
Rodrigo 2017年3月30日 13時07分 
*eats popcorn*
Chunky Monkey 2017年3月30日 13時02分 
Can't fault the Chinese I've worked with personally and since I can't legally be undercut on price if I was ever replaced it'd be because they were offering skills which I wasn't, i.e. it'd be my fault for being lazy and not improving my standing.
No one took anyones job when manufacturing moved to China. Consumers demanded cheaper products so the employers moved somewhere people would accept a lower wage. Unless you're buying 100% American / European etc thats a BS argument.

@Killjoy Hans - your English is better than my Chinese, I could never grasp the change in characters and everyone speaks so fast!