Josh   Guyana
Whats up sexy

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온라인 상태
즐겨찾기한 가이드
제작자: izaya
85명이 평가했습니다.
What to do when you are losing your mind
I lost my virginity to a hot pocket. It was a long hot summer day after I came home from school. I cooked up my favorite meal, a ham and cheese hot pocket in the microwave. After a few minutes, I took out the hot meal and it finally occurred to me. I took the hot, moist, sticky delight and inserted my penis into the hot pocket. It was hard at first but as the cheese started melting, it got faster and faster. I gripped the bread as my shaft penetrated the oozing cheese and ham. I was laying on the couch while this beautiful pocket pleasured me. It felt warm and moist until I couldn't take it anymore. I busted my mayo into the ham and cheese hot pocket, and gave my virginity to it. The end of the bread was a perfect catch for my jizz. Now I have a favorite past time after school, say goodbye to crusty socks, and say hello to mayo ham and cheese! I keep a warm, oozing hot pocket in my backpack at school so I can have some personal time to myself :).

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fern 2022년 5월 14일 오전 12시 13분 
Appears to have a keen interest for Japanese anime and strong, pungent, HIGH quality dabs
Kirr 2022년 5월 5일 오전 1시 10분 
Muted in one game for toxic communication of repeatedly telling players to "♥♥♥", kicked from the next game during post game lobby for not unmuting him (for the formerly mentioned behavior).
Spike 2020년 4월 8일 오후 10시 51분 
thats a big bish
Jabrocks916 2019년 7월 18일 오후 9시 48분 
Jabrocks916 2019년 6월 25일 오후 12시 18분 
Karlsson 2017년 7월 10일 오전 9시 14분 
your bio is beautiful