𝐂𝐒☣| 𝐌 𝐔 𝐑 𝐎
Adana, Turkey
Who is Turks? Türkler kim mi?
The reason of Great Wall of China.
Çin Seddi'nin nedeni. (METE)
The government that pleads Europe.
Avrupa'yı yalvartan hükümet.(ATİLLA)
The this Government Defeating 200,000 Soldiers With Only 50,000 Soldiers.
Bu Hükümet, Sadece 50.000 Askerle 200.000 Askeri Yeniyor (ALPARSLAN)
The this government chasing 500,000 enemies with just 2,000 people.
Bu hükümet sadece 2.000 kişiyle 500.000 düşmanı kovalıyor.(KILIÇARSLAN)
The government who stand against China with 40 soldiers.
40 askerle Çin'e karşı duran hükümet.(KÜRŞAD)
The government that drove ships from the ground and destroyed the so-called indestructible castles. Gemileri yerden süren ve sözde yıkılmaz kaleleri yıkan hükümet.(FATİH SULTAN)
The government who took its government back while everyone says "Finished"
Herkes "Bitti" derken hükümetini geri alan 7 düvele bayrak vermeyen kurtarıcı.(ATATÜRK)
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𝐂𝐒☣| MerKur 20 Jan @ 1:16pm 
✰TheGameKing✰ 16 Feb, 2021 @ 2:13pm 
BAHATTİN PAŞA 15 Feb, 2021 @ 4:17am 
+Rep he is very pro player and nice playing csgo <3