3 people found this review helpful
17.4 hrs last two weeks / 5,511.2 hrs on record (1,845.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 17 May, 2019 @ 1:14pm
Updated: 22 Nov, 2023 @ 1:39pm

9/10 Rewards teamplay, has high skill ceiling yet manages to be forgiving and laid back, simple fun. Each class are completetly unique from any class next to it and are like thier own genre of a game inside an fps. What can't you do in TF2?


Loveable characters in contrast to the mainstream edge.

Pretty much superior to its predecessor in every way, with the exeption of the spy's feign mechanic and the introduction of RNG elements and the removal of bunnyjumping.

ITS FREE, you can probably afford that!

Multiple ways to play each class.

Now that it has vscripting tools popular mods and community gamemodes can finally be experenced for either new players afraid of the ugly serverbrowser or old players like myself looking for replay value.

Recognizeable and readable sillouette based design, supported by goofy and colourfull graphics wich not only makes the game stand out and excuse its absurd ideas for weapons and maps, but also makes the game age timelessly like fine vine.

85% chance of finding actually helpfull players in a game session wich comming from an GTA online and CS:S player is absolutely mindblowing(i know no multiplayer community is perfect and im not gonna pretend i haven't met some sour apples, but comparingly TF2 has probably the most welcoming, creative and caring community i had the pleasure to participate in thus far) wich makes it hard for me to betray it for some clonegame with updated graphics and pay-to-win design.

And sure cheaters can always be a plague, but you can almost always trust the playerbase to atleast try to spam F1 against the cheater to vote him out (even in times when it is no use due to evolved and adjusted hacks, and at that point you're better of finding another server) This is not like GTA Online where hackers are treated like gods. If you are found out to cheat in TF2 people will (rightfully) never forgive you. Atleast im always up for the challenge to equip my trusty old, hales own vacinator to give make the cheaters life a living hell. (wich alone is a victory in my book)

If you are new, or comming from another game, don't worry. The "Overwatch-hate" is not aimed at you personally but rather clickbaity youtubers initiating fear into the community about our game's fate. If you learned about this game from a game as polished as Overwatch and still somehow felt interested in playing TF2 alongside it, i salute and welcome you!

Anyways, enough talk of the community, back to the pros and cons of the game itself.

Pros cont:

A huge range of gamemodes to pick from including but not limmited to (since community servers are as creative as ever) Payload, Attack/Defend, King Of The Hill (if you enjoy cheaters or everyone leaving you on point in favor of spawncamping), Capture The Flag, Underappreciated gamemodes like Territorial Controll, Special Delivery, Pass Time (if you wanna practice Scout), Medieval Mode (if you wanna play demoknight reliably), Player Destruction (wich is like a Team Deathmatch mode with more depth, wich is super fun, but the only map that isnt halloween restricted sucks)
Mann Vs Machine and Payload race. After all that thats not counting all the community made gamemodes like Vs Saxton Hale, TF2ware, Gmod gamemodes like DeathRun, Prop Hunt & Hide and Seek andThe Hidden.

No matter how much i love this game and consider it the best valve has ever made, im not gonna pretend its perfect.


Autobalance and you can't pick what team to start on anymore when joining a server.
(Even csgo lets you pick team)

Plenty of quality of life features ruined by the awfull Meet Your Match update such as coaching, replays, spectating and the fact that you must pick bloody 2Fort all the time if you dont wanna wait for 15 minutes.(With the risk of landing in an ongoing/ending game wich isnt fun for anyone) Atleast one miniscule advantage of matchmaking is that you can search for a game during a game but its completely random with no indication of what you will end up in and no way to decline once it found a match.

Don't have the same instant mod hooks for steam workshop like what CSGO, Gmod and even Portal2 has.

For being absolutely useless in TFC valve has overcompensated by buffing Pyro in everyway they could, to the point that he is a better DPS class than the Heavy with no sacrifice in speed. (seriously there is no point in picking Heavy over Pyro) I dont mind Pyro being (generally speaking) easier to play since Pyro, Heavy, Medic and Soldier are designed with mainly new players in mind. I just think that no class should replace another and that every class should be rewarding and usefull on its own. Atleast Pyro is the perfectly designed class for versitile and caring team players and i can't thank every Pybro enough.
That being said in addition to his/her DPS, Pyro has the most crit based weapons out of any class (not to mention the random crits) wich kinda makes the Kritzkreig pointless.

Some appreciated utilities from the previous game removed, such as the antispawncamp sentry (invisible walls is not enough if the enemy team helps cheaters and as a developer you can never fight spawncamping enough)and the spy's usefull hallucination grenade wich would be handyl since you dont have much controll of any situation as spy but rely on the enemy messing up (I know and respect their the decision to remove spammable handgrenades wich made the primaries irrelevant and made every class Demoman, but there is no reason to remove the unique utility grenades)

The worst excuse for a tutorial wich dosent even cover half of the classes and litteraly teach new engineers to turtle (staying in one spot and using their dispensers for themselves).
To all new players i would recommend looking up Tr_walkway on gamebanana, practicing your aiming, rebind the controlls/settings to what suits you best and pay attention to every piece of helpfull advice other players and famous youtubers has to say in their in depth but comprehensable video tutorials.

Changes to cl_interp values are unfortenly allowed in servers with sv_cheats set to 0.
(it means that lag compensation will give you an advantage)

No class limits. 3 with a automatically notifying (if a slot would be free as players leave/change class) quee system would work wonders as it would allow one new player to experiment with their main and observe others playing the same class, and it would also let 2 friends playing together as the same class work as a mini team.

Casual is cursed with RNG and lack the fleshed out features from competitive like no basic bots to temporairly take the place of players who are busy/rage quit, leaderboards and match history. (why cant we have overtime AND stopwatch?) So apprently the only way to play TF2 like it was intended is to play comp wich is not an option in my opinion since A. It only have a fraction of the maps with no option wich one to pick. The only maps that are included encourage the constant use of the generalist classes wich punishes experimentation, and B. Noone plays it anyways wich means your wait time will be 9x as long as the game itself even if you were to live right next to valves servers.

Although none of these flaws are enough to make me want to leave the game. Im only bringing them up and complain because i care too much about this game and want it to be the best it can be.
So in my personal conclusion: 9/10. Only random crits keeping in from a perfect 10 in my opinion. Still, i can't recommend it enough. hopefully valve will one day give this masterpiece the attention it deserves. here is to another 11 years!

TF2>>CSGO imo!
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@ your service 11 Nov, 2021 @ 10:36am 
As of the bot crisis casual is unplayable due to all servers being populated by racist, homophobic cheater bots.

The core gameplay is still timeless but for now its not worth it and you would probably have more fun mapping for the game if you wanna support it, (or play on community servers. Those could use some attention) and while its correct to blame valve for only putting their AAA efforts/resources into CSGO, i dont think its fair to blame them for cheating individuals as thats not something that can be easially fixed in an update.
(If it was then CSGO, a game they actually care about, would be cheat free years ago!)

Its ironic that you have to exile to MvM and play against bots, to escape all the bots.
(Just remove sniper and all cheaters will be gone!)