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Diposting: 17 Jan 2021 @ 6:26pm

Let me be frank. I really like this game. It's really fun and I enjoy it a lot. One of my favorite games in the last few years. Base game and Iceborne are both really fun and i'm not here to complain about difficulty. I enjoy that. But every other ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ time I try to play with friends I get disconnected from the online session with full wifi bars. It happened 3 times in the last half hour. In one quest we were doing great on Alatreon (Second hardest boss in Iceborne for those who only have base game), and I got disconnected and lost because of that. And it's not just me. I've had friends disconnect too, mid-quest, for no reason. I recommend it if you're willing to be disconnected frequently. Capcom pls fix game lol
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