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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 123.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 34.3 saat)
First of all, yes I will review this game based on my experience with other hero/role based shooters like TF2, OW1 and 2, Dirty Bomb, Battlefiled 1, V, 2042 or Paladins.
and yes, I love them all including Marvel Rivals.

1. Rosters
this is the best roster lineup I've ever played so far and I don't even read any marvel comics or watch many marvel movies.
i kinda hope the ults can be a little bit more varied because many heroes ults are just aoe attack with med to high damage.
Of course some heroes look like some heroes from other similar games but it can't be helped.
All RPG games have fireball or ice nova abilites and we can't say that the newer ones copied the older ones.

2. Gameplay
It feel so arcadey even a BIG NOOB who can't aim like me can get more kills compared to if I use aim based characters in OW. It feels more arcadey than OW but not too much as in Paladins. And i love it!

3. Art style and visual
some people don't like the anime-ish style but I like it. Visuals are okay which is best for online shooter game because if it's too technically good than it would sacrifice its performance.

4. Audio
Very noisy sometimes but not a big issue. The announcer voice could be a little bit more original because it sounds so similar to OW (if i'm not mistaken).

So do I like it better than any other hero based shooters? YES!
but just because i have played the older ones for hundreds of hours and I want to play something fresh.
But i do hope I will keep playing this game (even though I'm soooooo noob and keep losing) for so many hours to come.

Some messages from me:

- For those who have played other hero based shooters for hundreds of hours and now bashing them just because you now play Marvel Rivals, well you probably will bash this game in the future after you found other newer game to play.

- For those who are furious for people keep comparing this game to similar older games, open your eyes and use your brain. We all know that this game is inspired by earlier hero shooter based games.We and the Devs know that their game will be compared with them.

Please remember that we can love more than one games without the need to bash other games, especially after you played hours of it and especially if you play them FOR FREE!

- For those toxic players out there, I assume you have no other things in your life to be happy or proud of so the only way you can be happy is by winning a video game and then abusing someone after you win. Or when you are losing, you will start abusing your teammates or your opponents because you are a failure in real life. may you be happy :)

- For those normal gamers, please report those toxic players so that this game won't be polluted by people like them.

Remember in the end, this is JUST A GAME.
BUT...but...but this is RANK GAME!
so what, will the RaNk affect your life? your job? your health?

QUick match or Comp Match, THIS IS JUST A VIDEO GAME.

Cheers and see you in the game! please stop killing me!
Yayınlanma 10 Aralık 2024.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 105.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 80.2 saat)
First of all, I came from this game after playing Rise (on Switch then PC) for several hours and felt kinda meh. So guess what, I decided to try the older one, which is World.
Now you know that my review is not based on the even older MH series, here it is:

1. Variety of weapons, each with almost completely different mechanics.
2. Still active online community (hopefully still even after Wilds release).
3. Satisfying combat. Repetitive yes but it feels good when landing hits or when you can finally get used to certain weapons that you like.
4. I love Character levelling system, so I thought i wouldn't like Equipment based progression system of World but Man i was wrong. So many possibilities with builds and afaik many builds are viable instead of only one or two.
5. Palicoes! and i can even dress mine!

1. I expect more of monster varieties. I mean, this game will even be fine if titled Dino/Dragon Hunter because i think 90% of them are modifications of either dinosaurs or dragons. I kinda expect fighting spider monster or wolf or cats or ghosts.
2. The difficulty is beyond me (i need to GIT GUD!), so many of my assigned quests are helped by strangers, so I can farm their materials, forge better weapons and armors, then i can help others on their assigned quests.
3. The ranged weapons are so hard to use with controller, I end up using mouse to aim and controller to move which of course didn't work.

1. I have Omen laptop with ryzen 7 5800H, 3070, 32Gb, and sometimes there are random freezes for several seconds and the AA looks kinda horrible. I play at 1080p with settings mostly med-high, 90fps capped. Maybe this game is not well optimized?
2. I don't hate the clutch claw and tenderize mechanic but if only they're made as alternatives to open more possibilities when fighting monsters instead of them being compulsory.
3. Why do they limit the number of some items in the pouch? is it for realism reason?
4. I still kinda wish we can at least upgrade our character's based hp and stamina when leveling up rank.
5. the multiplayer system is a little bit complicated compared to games like Diablo or Borderlands for example.

I will not buy Wilds after several years and it got the master edition and heavily discounted so I will keep playing this for a while. If anyone wants to play with me kindly add me but pls bring your mid game Iceborne weapons (i'm currently using Rarity 10 DB and lance) so you won't one shot the monsters.
and btw, if we use SUNRISE then this one is ICEWORLD instead of worldborne (what kind of name is that).

Yayınlanma 26 Kasım 2024.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 16.2 saat
I bought this game solely for the multiplayer.
Boasting around 10k players online, i thought finding online games will be like choosing starbucks menu, which is confusing because if the amount.

The truth is there is literally (and yes this is not a hyperbole. This is LITERALLY LITERALLY) 0-2 games that i can join.

Fyi, i can find online games very easily playing old games like overwatch, payday 2, vermintide 2, and even titan quest.

Day 1 i played for 3 hours (foolish me!) thinking i woukd be able to find more online games if i advsnce further in campaign and i didn't!
So i asked for a refund and failed (yeah yeah foolish of me).

Next days: i found 1 game occasionally and played with nice but too strong online allies.
So yeah, my playing time don't reflect on my feeling or the number of online game.

I still regret buying this game.

Don't get me wrong, the game itself is technically very good (so fan boys, I'm not degrading this game) but I'm fooled by the number of "players online"

I'll play payday 2 wnd vermintide 2 instead
Yayınlanma 1 Ocak 2022.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 17.8 saat
Coming from games like Dishonored, Splinter Cell, Deus Ex, and Hitman, this game really exceed my expectation.
I think this game was made for Controller, but hey M+K works very well too.

Interesting Characters, Funny convos, Amazing stealth and gameplay mechanics, wonderful skills, and WOW surroundings,
I enjoyed every moment of this game.
Oh wait, I kinda hate that cave full of bugs though.

I finished the game for fun so I killed when I wanted/needed to kill and it was a worth it experience.

Thinking of buying the Master of Shadow and waiting for the sequel. And please make the sequel low-end laptop friendly as well.
The performance and optimization of this game is also top notch.
Yayınlanma 24 Aralık 2021.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 12.7 saat
I just finished this game with Rank A (95%).
I have to admit, I looked at some guidance (NOT the answer for code or anything. Just Clues) while playing.

This is one the best adventure games I've ever played.
Here are some that I have finished, just to put in perspective of what games I compared this to:
Syberia 1 and 2,
Still Life,
Dreamfall 1 and 2,
Dark Fall: Ghost Vigil.

I wonder why this game is kinda slow when the graphic is just so-so (I used the second graphic quality option).

Meh. repetitive music and limited sound effect.

It is near perfection.
Almost no pixel hunting,
first person movement (instead of all point and click),
Puzzles are fantastic.
HOWEVER, the last chasing scene was the WORST.
Maybe some people already knew, but I read as little as possible while playing so it was a complete surprise for me.
I did go to the correct final place (thanks to the ghost) but I didn't know what to do, so I ran and got killed.
I googled and yes it's the correct place. so Phew! I came out alive.

You should make a movie/short series about this.

Please release another game. I will buy it on sale :D
I bought this game on sale for less than $5 and it is more than worth it.

Thank you for the amazing journey.
Yayınlanma 26 Kasım 2021. Son düzenlenme 26 Kasım 2021.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 5.2 saat
Claiming that this is a mix between X-Com and FM, here is my thoughts:
X-Com and FM are far from perfect but if we give them a score of 10 just as the scale,
I will give this game:
a 5 compared to X-Com
a 3 compared to FM.

It feels like this game wants to be both but not excelled in neither.
The Turn-based is so limited and relies too much on skills.
and NO it's not even logical compared to real football.
like, you can't cross if not on the specific area.
in FM, we have early cross option.

And, there are instances when the numbers (def, ctrl, etc) changed drastically after I left-click to confirm action.
feels more like an RNG even though I know there is a formula why it could change, but I'm not interested to learn further about it.
The Football sim side is even worse and even more limited than the TBS side. Too many limitation in transfer market, contract, and training.

and the exam sessions are so torturing.
No freedom, no creativity, no fun.
everything must be

So yeah, I played this while free and I don't think it's worth it to spend money on, especially the DLC parts are supposed to be in the vanilla game already instead of being sold separately.

I believe I don't have thorough knowledge about this game yet (just look at my hours), but i really wanna love this game. Too bad No...... I just can't.
Yayınlanma 15 Kasım 2021.
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Bir geliştirici 15 Kas 2021 @ 12:49 tarihinde cevap verdi (cevabı görüntüle)
Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 57.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 40.9 saat)
one of the best Arpg i have ever played. there was some fps drops sometimes and the Multiplayer is non-existent, I think.
Yayınlanma 1 Ağustos 2021.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 13.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 13.1 saat)
i am waiting for a refund for this game.
Don't get me wrong this game is good if runs properly.
here are some constant issues:

1. i couldn't even start the game today. the music keeps playing but the screen is black.
(it happens since the beginning but after i pressed end task and ran it again, it worked. but not anymore)

2. inventory and market NEVER show. i mean NEVER. i have ran steam as admin, disable steam overlay, but still.

3. lag and crash A LOT. i can play Overwatch without any problem so no, it's not my Internet.

Hope they refund my money.

Update: they decline my review.

Even accessing this game is like winning lottery.
Sometimes I can access, mostly I cannot. Only shown black screen with sound.

Wow. I swear I will never purchase from Tripwire anymore.
Eat my money, THIEF!
Yayınlanma 25 Aralık 2018. Son düzenlenme 27 Aralık 2018.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 126.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 89.8 saat)
The best free to play FPS ever.

+ Low spec requirements
+ Active community
+ Routine update
+ Good server
+ Interesting characters

- Need more areas
- Need more weapons and utilities
Yayınlanma 11 Ekim 2016.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 202.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 25.9 saat)
like it. DOTA game with FABLE POV and control.
Yayınlanma 1 Ekim 2016.
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