1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
37.7 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 4,537.2 h en tout (1,282.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 23 mars 2019 à 9h25
Mis à jour : 2 sept. 2020 à 4h46

The new Review:
What shall i say - i got it in my heart and im still playing it cause its an amazing, beloved game.
The point of my old review did not change, but my own view and ambitions.

DbD is a great game which sounds simple and might be "the same" as many people call it, but it depends on the way you use to play it.
After more than 3.600 hours i spent, im still not bored and i freaking love playing it.
The Dev's are doing a great job! - Bringing new stuff and goals you can reach, flexibility and rock n' roll in the game.
It makes lots of fun playing both roles, testing different "perk" builds and differend ways to play the game on different character.
DbD is a great game which catches you, if you chill and relax. - Don't get your feet up off the edge. ;)

The old Review:
Till the Patch 2.6.0 it's been an amazing game, everyone used to enjoy a lot of fun in. Since the Patch 2.6.0, it's totally garbage and everyone's being inhuman and mean to each other. That patch ruined the sense of game especially by the Ranking system, it destroyed the "fun" parts. A pretty nice "just for fun" game, became a "just for rank" / "just act serious" game - which finally leads to lots of quitter and bad acting people in the game.
What else shall i say - i got it in my heart - i wont touch it anymore. :)
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