✪ GarpeN
Isak Garpdal   Sweden
Hot Allyson 👫🏿 2020年1月22日 11時09分 
I put aside my copy of "BOWLING WORLD" and think about GUN CONTROL
Plumbing is one of the easier of do-it-yourself activities,
requiring only a few simple tools and a willingness to stick your arm into a
clogged toilet. In fact, you can solve many home plumbing problems, such as
annoying faucet drip, merely by turning up the radio. But before we get
into specific techniques, let's look at how plumbing works.
A plumbing system is very much like your electrical system, except
that instead of electricity, it has water, and instead of wires, it has
pipes, and instead of radios and waffle irons, it has faucets and toilets.
So the truth is that your plumbing systems is nothing at all like your
electrical system, which is good, because electricity can kill you.
-- Dave Barry, "The Taming of the Screw"

Remember that there is an outside world to see and enjoy.
-- Hans Liepmann
-Pyro. 2016年12月23日 6時59分 
-rep nice smurf noob..
Arnold Schwarzenegger 2016年12月21日 12時56分 
+rep Nice garry & trader <3 You are hero man :D
w1ik 2016年12月7日 10時21分 
+rep gick först på swish!
QvintaN - KÖPER 2016年12月1日 9時58分 
+rep swishtrade! :)
KlumpSmurfen 2016年11月16日 2時06分 
+rep swish