Timothy   Belgium
Yes its the one and only kawaii.panzer
<<Even after the darkest nights, morning always comes
Those we've lost gave their lives to bring the morning light.
Living this day to the fullest is the highest tribute we can offer to their memory.>>
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4.693 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 22. Mai
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zuletzt gespielt am 22. Mai
5,7 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 22. Mai
Errungenschaften   0 von 1
[pr0misee] 12. Mai um 11:05 
Fenrigis 19. Apr. um 11:48 
friendly mate
Zolomuro 28. Feb. um 8:08 
Nova 🌠 25. Feb. um 8:26 
+ rep brooo gg
rob 29. Juli 2022 um 10:54 
yo g any chance i can get your csgo cases for an opening :DogFromLake::dbzk_kmha2::redbolt:
jvwmusicgirl 5. Sep. 2020 um 11:37 
nice ig profile +rep