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Recent reviews by PraisethePyramid_

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65.2 hrs on record (32.3 hrs at review time)
amazing wallpapers, live, audio responsive, etc
Posted 4 April, 2021.
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98.4 hrs on record (97.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I love this game. If you like coordinating soldiers and potentially costing them their lives all to save some hostage who was seconds away from getting blown to pieces by a suicide bomber ready to die for his cause, then this is the game for you. There is a map generator so you never run out of content.

Put more time into it, the continued support over the past years is amazing and unique. So far they have upgraded every single area of gameplay from time of purchase, can only wait to see what the future holds.
Posted 12 February, 2021. Last edited 27 September.
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33.2 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
would be so much better if when you were crafting it told you what items were and if they were craftable or not.
Posted 28 December, 2019.
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158.0 hrs on record (117.7 hrs at review time)
Incredibly solid game, I have been playing since pre-season 1 way back at the beginning of 2017. I have 20 days on my xbox and at least the same amount of time on ps4. I also have 120 hours on pc. This game has amazing developers who work harder than any other company I know. I have remained dedicated even when I took breaks from the game due to burnouts. I'll review it in 3 sections in terms of gameplay/microtransactions, learning curve, and the community.

The gameplay is incredibly fluid. The developers work very hard to bring an overwhelming amount of content every 3 months(season). The game never feels dry and there are plenty of different characters for any type of play-styles. This leads into my next paragraph about the skill gap.

Operators- Want to play extremely stealthy, and flank the attackers and cause their entire strategy to cripple? Pick up Caveira on defense. Want to be loud and rush the room with the speed of an F-18 fighter jet? Pick up Ash on the attacking side. The best part is most of the operators are viable, and which is hard to accomplish when there are 50+ in the game. You start with 10 operators, which include the strongest fundamentally in the game. There are other operators which have been added over the years that cost renown(in game currency that can only be earned) and white r6 points (purchasable currency). If you are strapped for cash, I highly recommend grinding for specific operators. Youtube has plenty of guides on which operators you should buy, because it is not necessary to purchase all of them(the grind is not worth it for some operators, some of them are bottom tier.) If you can spend freely, Buy the ultimate edition as it is currently on sale for 50 dollars(normally $90). The game also goes on sale every 3 months when a major content update is added.

Learning curve-

Now I am not going to lie to you. This game has a MASSIVE learning curve. You need to learn at the very least nine maps that are used in ranked(and actually learn them, common spots, spawn killing windows, good spawn locations, rotation routes etc.), 50+ operators and their unique abilities, sounds and interactions. IT IS NOT EASY. Youtube will be your best friend here, and I believe they added some form of a map tutorial which I have yet to look at. You are going to die A LOT in the beginning. A LOT. To things that may seem cheap or stupid. However, it is incredibly satisfying when you finally get a kill and actually understood why. Time and effort are your best tools with this game. I am willing to teach anyone the game, just pm me.


Now the community. It is pretty toxic, especially at high ranks. Whether it be smurfs, people who don't talk at all until they die, or people who teamkill when you pick an operator before they do, it does have its fair share of issues. Ubisoft does what it can, but just report them and try to get video evidence or a screenshot. Not everyone is toxic, and when your team isn't trying to troll you, voice chat is a pretty enjoyable experience. If there are any women that are interested in playing this, I recommend not talking or grown men to ♥♥♥♥ off as for some reason people tend to switch their focus from the ranked game to getting the girls number as soon as they hear her speaking.

Overall , I love this game , even with its faults. The tactical realism genre of video games is somewhat dry, but this game is in the middle ground. More realistic than Call of Duty, not as realistic as Arma.
Posted 31 October, 2019. Last edited 20 March, 2020.
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265.4 hrs on record (43.2 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
It is a great game would play again it needs to be cheaper maybe 10 bucks though
Posted 19 February, 2017.
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