Ayman Farshid   Bahrain
"Be kind to everyone; you never know when you might be talking to them for the last time"
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Cocobe3 12 Feb @ 1:41pm 
my cutie pookie wookie dookie shookie sugar cookie chocolate chip gelato cinnamon bun candy pie with whipped cream honey bunny boo boo bear :333333
Fuminix 2 Oct, 2023 @ 1:35pm 
E - an EASY -GOING soul but always on EDGE with his own
R - is a REAL friend in need but always READY to leave
E - enjoys EATING too and makes me hungry with E -PHOTOS of Filipino food
N - NICE rooter, NASTY shooter
Y - a 90s YOUTH with a YEARNING to be against the normie booth
E - needs EYES but still can s EE through lies
A - ACTS like a noob yet ACES like a champ
G - all time GAMER & CS G O tamer . Sometimes GHOSTING cuz GIVING time for family is a must, for its GRACE and GIFT will never rust
E - ETERNAL friendship is what you'll get if you learn how to joke two thr EE more times ahead
R - REMEMBER he whiffs but he's a RARE REAL man who won't let you jump from a cliff :)
DIRTYCOMMIE 27 Sep, 2023 @ 9:05pm 
he is married now, gotta earn the big bucks for the fam.
Igris Xenpai 17 Sep, 2023 @ 7:58am 
Hello. We've been trying to reach you about your Car's Extended Warranty.
Umairica 30 Jul, 2023 @ 12:39pm 
Hi >>normie<<

I Wanted to reach out to you following this morning's class. i really appreciated your contributions to our discussion, but felt that i should follow up with you.

I noticed that, during class, you appeared to consume an entire chocolate cake. Normally i would never be one to police my students eating habits, but i reviewed the class recording and you finished the whole thing in 43 seconds. i'm pretty sure i watched you unhinge your jaw like some kind of a snake.

is everything going okay at home? is your jaw okay? Please let me know i can be of any support.
Fuminix 8 Jul, 2023 @ 6:36am 
▓▓▓▀░░░░░▄██▄░░░░░▀▓▓▓ The wheel of friendship has arrived!