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0.0 godz. w ciągu ost. 2 tyg. / 3.8 godz. łącznie (3.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Zamieszczono 14 września 2019 o 19:59
Zaktualizowano 1 marca 2024 o 15:45
Produkt otrzymany bezpłatnie


1/10: There's worse games on Steam alone, but given the way a stalker of a developer does things like remove this author's (perfectly SFW) screenshots as "community violations" (and makes him unable to upload screenshots to every game for a week) then has the gall to send this author a friend request, and then comment on many people's reviews with an identical comment about when it was the last played Arcade Tycoon and invite them to Discord should tell the reader everything they need to know about one of the creepy, immature people who developed the game.

Hey Posh, try getting this screenshot removed as a community violation:

Hey again Posh. I found that you were immortalized in Drug Dealer Simulator!


Arcade Tycoon is a bug-riddled mess with more issues than Playboy magazine masquerading as a management simulation where the player manages an arcade in an alpha state that invokes the memory of Action 52. Given that the campaign will not be released until September, 30'th., 2019, about the only thing the player can do for the next two weeks, is design an arcade with arcade machines (both retro and modern), pinball machines, driving machines, gambling machines (not slot machines, but the type where the player drops a coin down a slot at the right place and time and hope at least one more coin gets pushed out the bottom), food and drink vending machines, an ATM machine for patrons to withdraw money, a token machine to force the patrons to part patrons with their money and force them to play the arcade machines, a bathroom for people to do their dooty, and an ice cream stand. Once everything is placed to the player's liking, the player can also lay down new floors, walls, and decorations, then watch a bunch of identical customers (at the time of this writing) spastically running around the arcade, and sometimes the player can even observe customers playing the arcade machines!

Graphics and Sound

The graphics are far less interesting that what the store page to Arcade Tycoon infers. While the gaming machines do have different textures to them, the arcade patrons all look identical at the time of release, and many of the decorations and amenities featured in screenshots on the store page are also unavailable at the time of release. More than anything, the player will observe arcade patrons walking through solid objects to get from Point A to Point B.

(A screenshot used to be here that was deleted by a developer.)

Sounds in Arcade Tycoon are next to non-existent. There's no music beyond the music slider, but that's probably for the better, since Arcade Tycoon is the type of game where the player won't miss anything critical without the music, so the player can play their own type of music.


Given the sandbox nature, the player can get themselves some achievements quickly and easily at the expense of their sanity, but this only assumes that the player will closely monitor the identical-looking arcade patrons and their illogical behavior of buying food or drink and then walking halfway across the arcade to enjoy consuming their products. (The benches and couches featured in store screenshots, while available, are nothing more than decorations.)

A campaign for Arcade Tycoon has been announced for release on September 30'th., and perhaps this will make Arcade Tycoon more interesting to play, and if the stuff featured in screenshots by the developer every come to fruition, Arcade Tycoon can also make designing arcades a fun task that will also make for fun screenshots for players to exhibit to their friends.

How many other video arcade management sims have players seen before? This author cannot think of any, so congratulations to Arcade Tycoon having the market cornered. (Now if only the developer released a legitimate product!)


As stated in the overview, the unfinished nature of Arcade Tycoon invokes the memory of Action 52. The feeling the player gets wondering if the developer ever played a management simulation game before invokes the memory of MMA Manager. Put these two together, and uggggggggggh, the experience leaves the player in need of a barf bag.


Even with the twenty percent discount, Arcade Tycoon is still overpriced for what little the game delivers. While there are no direct competitors to Arcade Tycoon, there are plenty of management simulations for sale on Steam going for significantly cheaper. Let this be a lesson to any developer/publisher who wishes to release games in alpha: Price your game accordingly, or work out the kinks before releasing a game at full price!

When a player launches Arcade Tycoon, the first thing they will read is a message from the developer appealing for the players to be kind. Since the appeal was made, ol' Il Pallino will say sorry for going all out in this review, but the author has a job to do with writing this review, and that job involves telling the truth to the reader, especially since most(?) of the readers are friends of the author and members of Review Experts(REXnetwork), and who will respect either if dishonest reviews were written to appease developers? But do know this: The author is confident that one day Arcade Tycoon will improve into a product that can be recommended in good faith.

Update: In mid-March 2020, a developer went about removing Arcade Tycoon screenshots as violations of "Steam Community & Content Guidelines." The screenshots were of the game in it's normal state with no mods, no adult content, and no edits to the screenshots whatsoever. This wouldn't have been an issue, but as it stands, ol' Il Pallino has to do a week in Steam Jail where he's prohibited from uploading screenshots. (That's not just to Arcade Tycoon but to *ALL* Steam games.)

Buyer beware: If the player uploads a screenshot the developer doesn't like, the buyer can be expected to spend time in Steam Jail if the screenshot in question features a flaw in the game.

The honest word of Il Pallino... OR ELSE!

This review made possible through the generosity, consideration and contribution of Review Experts(REXnetwork) and the developer/publisher.

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Posh  [producent] Zamieszczono 30 czerwca 2020 o 15:00
Hi, You played last OCT, we're on 9th Major Update Now. Could you please play game again.

Any feedback you can fill this in anonymous.

Chat with me or community
Komentarzy: 3
IL PALLINO 7 września 2020 o 16:07 
Another point about the developer's response: Posh failed to address any of the points of my review. Either he stopped reading where it said "Not Recommended," or he's pretending to not be the person who sent me a friend request and had me put in Steam Jail.
IL PALLINO 13 sierpnia 2020 o 16:19 
Two weeks later and no response from Posh the Toxic Gas Vent. He's probably too busy sending friend requests to other people who wrote negative reviews. :lol::hanabomb:
IL PALLINO 28 lipca 2020 o 10:04 
Me go back to a game where a developer burned the bridge... So I can have all of my screenshots removed as "community violations" and spend another week in Steam Jail? Maybe if a long and sincere apology was given, then I will give Arcade Tycoon another go with the promise that none of my other screenshots will ever be removed.

Discord? I got burnt out on that place months ago. Even then, I'm not sharing my Discord account with somebody who has it in for me.