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2 294 timmar totalt
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585 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 24 maj
cdT | Danxp 10 jun, 2020 @ 12:28 
+rep da mi accept pls
burst angel 2 jun, 2020 @ 11:49 
Hi, our team went to the finals of a decent tournament, but our player will not be able to take part in this match, we urgently need a stand-in who can replace him.
If we win this tournament, you will receive about $600~
Add my main account, if you're ready to compete
yamen 21 maj, 2020 @ 11:37 
burst angel 7 maj, 2020 @ 14:28 
Hеy man, I have playеd CS against you rеcеntly and I'd like to invitе you in our tеam. We are willing to pay weekly. We are planning to compete in some tourney, I think we have good chances with you especially :)
If you are interested - Hеrе's my main account, add mе plеasе
Klimaster 7 apr, 2020 @ 17:51 
+rep good player
Snajperista 994 7 apr, 2020 @ 16:52 
-REP HACK PRO AIM ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ IDIOT SILVER HACK PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!