
ShadowFireMage の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:621.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:598.2時間)
I have played this game since it came out in early access. I purchased it because it was a single player game that was supposed to go free to play. That did not happen, instead they put in a shop and paid DLC. I still played it because it was still single player and I was still progressing with the villagers I unlocked each time they had an update. The update before this one they opened up multiplayer. Where people can visit each others valley. That's fine for people who want that kind of stuff, but its not what I bought the game for. This update the only way you can progress with Daisy duck is to set up the portal and invite visitors to your new boutique. This will be my last star path and the last that I play the game. I do not like being forced to progress a certain way in a game just because the developer makes the game that way.
投稿日 5月10日.
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2 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:68.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:56.6時間)
This game is the worst game I have played in a long time. I have played halo off and on for years and I used to like Halo a lot. But this game is trash. My boyfriend and I can't play more than two matches together at a time without getting booted. The challenges are stupid and nothing more than a money grab on the part of the company that made the game. Multiplayer is broken all the way around and is nothing more than an unenjoyable slog of a time sink designed to try and keep a player base. having to progress in the season pass and events this way just makes it worse. The cosmetics are bland and mediocre for all the effort you have to expend to get them. I DO NOT recommend multiplayer or the season pass at all. I have not played the campaign so I can't say if it is worth spending the money on or not. But the season pass sure isn't.
投稿日 2022年3月12日.
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総プレイ時間:72.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:32.0時間)
I love this game. I can play it with my friends or by myself, and I learn so much about so many cultures playing the campaigns. Its also very fun and entertaining.
投稿日 2019年11月26日.
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総プレイ時間:11.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:4.1時間)
I love this game. The fact that everyone starts the game with absolutly nothing and equal in every way is very refreashing to me. I am a player who is not the best at shooters and I am generally outmatched by most other players. With this game I can hold my own and make it pretty far either by myself or with a teammate. It has everything you need to survive if you are lucky enough to find it. It also has vehichles you can use if you stay in one spot to long looting. the player area shrinks at a good pace and lets you know when it is about to shrink. I have not found anything that I do not like about this game so far. I really enjoy this game and I would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys pvp shooters.
投稿日 2017年11月22日.
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総プレイ時間:2,473.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:334.7時間)
I love this game. It has everything I would ever want to do in an mmo. I can join any guild. Be any character. Prettty much play the game any way I want to. In February they are coming out with housing WooooooooHoooooo. It will be so awesome just like the other Elder Scrolls games minus the endless chests I love most in all of their other games. lol. The places and the graphics are out of this world. I hope they add morrowind some time in the future along with dwemer and alyeid housing and furnishings.
投稿日 2017年1月21日.
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