United States
Avid fan of the Silent Hill series - they sort of lost me after SH4 tho - - and an even more avid fan of RPG leveling and battle mechanics. So, not so much the gore and devilry showcased by the titles, more the emphasis on the contrasting of the light and darkness and what can occur with a little motivation.

What I like most about the different rpg mechanics is, how using a little bit of math, developers can make the tension seem so realistic and so rewarding. It's more than barely winning a battle just because an enemy gets a few beefy moves programmed. Games like Chrono Cross and Legend of Dragoon have shown me that it's like they legitimately cared and took pride in crafting battles that would at the very least make the player feel like they were sharing an intended experience with the production/programming team.

Also, kind of on the DL,
I'm sayin on the DL because there literally must be over a million games, and all I can possibly do is mention it because there are equal massive parts top tier gaming experiences and top tier . . . let's say avant garde.

Cheers gamers!!!!