Hiroshima, Japan
-Lao Tzu
The snow goose need not bathe to make itself white.
Neither need you do anything but be yourself.
Vetrina del Collezionista
Gioco preferito
circumlunar 3 lug, ore 4:30 
+rep good Twins
i hate dbd 29 giu, ore 22:04 
+rep cool knight sad that the server collapsed :( ly
-=Muszkin=- 20 giu, ore 2:40 
dodaj prosze, mam pytanie
Rustoria.co | ӍĐŇ | Yahweh 16 mag, ore 5:59 
+rep nice profile
Brain dead 12 mag, ore 14:45 
+rep funny survivor :D
A S M O D E U S 30 apr, ore 9:31 
+rep nice killer