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張貼於:4 月 24 日 上午 10:50

Everything fun about the original plus more.

I was already a big fan of the original burger shop, ignoring my nostalgia bias I still think that game holds up extremely well and the sequel is no exception.

The main difference between this game and the first is that there are three phases instead of one; breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A seemingly small change on paper but adds so much variety and replayability to the game. You are constantly switching up what you are working with, and it makes the different customers and their unique preferences a lot more chaotic yet predictable at the same time

Also, this time there is an actual story. It’s honestly weird to be talking about the story in an arcade restaurant game, but it’s pretty serviceable (pun unintended). It doesn’t make or break the game and I can’t really hate it as it just makes Burger Shop 2 an even more complete experience.

All around, Burger shop 2 takes everything fun from the first game and makes it smoother with a lot more to do. It’s just a game that makes you want to keep playing.
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