☽ Dumblewhore ☾
Vatican City State (Holy See)
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Hex: spanking szept. 1., 12:23 
-rep bum surv doesnt help anyone expect themself
ghostmyers yaoi júl. 31., 14:05 
- rep tunnels and teams in a limited game mode
realm's delight júl. 9., 14:21 
-rep surv
LOUTCH0 jún. 22., 13:30 
-rep if you see her playing with her friend Hermione, leave lobby. This sit in corner next to each other not saving anyone else.
Hellcat jún. 4., 11:39 
-rep plays with his team, they leave you hanging at the end, go out and then tell rubbish as the reason because he confuses me with his team colleagues who messed up. bad!
TΞTRΛ_SKY márc. 7., 12:24 
-rep Goes AFK mid match, thank you