Mosley was right
We should have listened...
"When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic."

-Dresden James

Mosley was right 3月2日 20時17分 
@bling bling boy

Indeed, friend. May God crown our rightful King... and may he strike down the evil house of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
bling bling boy 3月2日 18時33分 
Found your profile while scrolling through the Morrowind community hub, keep up the good fight sir. Rule Britannia! :richard:
Mosley was right 3月2日 11時34分 
@Grandmaster Mason ov Ogulin

A failure as a male calling anyone else a 'loser' is the height of irony, lol.
Alen Medak 3月2日 2時09分 
Mosley was right 2月13日 6時13分 

Until our Lord and savior ordains the restoration of the true English Monarchy.
Blake 2月12日 20時40分 
Your a fastist? How long are you fasting for?