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Останні рецензії користувача NocturnalVeil

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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 21
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 5
71.5 год. загалом
HuniePop starts up with a coloful screen showing the girls in the game, then takes you to a save file screen, where you can chose to be either a guy or a girl. Regardless of the choice, you can only date girls in the game. I honestly didn't have high expectations from a dating game, but right from the start there is plenty of humor in the interaction with the love fairy, the players guide to dating.

The girls come with a great variation in looks and personality, the only thing they all have in common, is being hungrier then starving wolves. In order to talk with them, you need to give them food and lots of it. Though they have a lot to say, and even after having reached the final stretch of the game, they sometimes say things I haven't heard before.

The dates evolve around a puzzle game, it is similar to bejeweled, but demands a lot more strategy. Checking what a date wants from you before the date is the key to success, as well as in the interaction, where it's good to refresh what you know before being put on the spot with a question. The strategy factor and the puzzle game is most the game, the girls are just a bonus. I'm sure this game could have been just as good with a different theme. Perhaps meeting fluffy animals and making friends with them? It wouldn't affect the puzzle factor at all.

Positive aspects of the game:
Every location has its own music.
The characters come with great variation.
A lot of comedy, this game isn't in any way serious.
The difficulty is balanced, and increases over time.

Negative aspects of the game:
The full screen mode glitched for me, though that could be a result of my screen resolution. Otherwise I don't have many bad things to say about the game. I should note that there is a strong chance someone on your friendslist have a thing or two to say about dating games. It is a game that comes with a douchbag stamp, but that is okay, the game hardly tries to make you think that seducing 12 girls makes you any better then that.

I recommend this game to anyone who likes strategy/puzzle games, but would prefer to look at sexy girls while playing them. To quote Kyu; "Come on! Seduce me with your sexy puzzle skills."
Додано 28 лютого 2015 р..
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