Ghost of Halo
¨B-312¨: Our war with the flood ain't over yet. I know that more graveminds are is still out there. One showed me a glimpse of the future. It knew what drives me. What I believe. That being a good soldier comes down to one one single question: What are you prepared to sacrifice? When they came to me with the Mjolnir armor I sacrificed the man I was to become spartan. When my own flesh and blood held me back, I sacrificed that too. Replaced it, like a spare part. Victory costs. Every time, you pay a little more, but when you sacrificed everything you had to become a perfect, cold, hard, logical machine and that machine fails. What happens then. I saw a glimpse of what's coming...and there was nothing left of me to stop it. When the greatest combat machine fails. What do we do then? What do I do?

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