clownin' 🤡:lunar2019piginablanket:
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Mossad Agent 26 Feb @ 2:17pm 
Oh I'm sorry. I just looked at your profile I didn't realize you where a minecraft villager. (And a crafty one at that) I try my best to respect minecraft villagers. Especially minecraft villagers in minecraftia. As a matter of fact now I actually do agree with you. I'm sorry. Maybe you could even add me on PoopStation and we can play some games together. We could play Minecraft, Minecraft, Minecraft, maybe even a little Minecraft. add me MinecraftLover420. Sorry about my name. My cousin played minecraft a while back. He is not a good Minecrafter like me and does not carry my skillz.
Good day ma'inecraft villager.
Also I PM'd you about hosting a minecraft server. Take a look and lmk what you think.
Kit 25 Oct, 2023 @ 10:51pm 
Oh I'm sorry. I just looked at your profile I didn't realize you where a lady. (And a beautiful one at that) I try my best to respect women. Especially women in gaming. As a matter of fact now I actually do agree with you. I'm sorry. Maybe you could even add me on PSN and we can play some games together. We could play GTA, overwatch, Minecraft, maybe even a little COD. add me xXxBoyBenderxXx. Sorry about my name. My cousin made it a while back. He is not a good person like me and does not carry my values.
Good day ma'am.
Also I PM'd you. Take a look and lmk what you think.
meru 3 Sep, 2023 @ 5:13pm 
I 👥 wear 👙 a mask 😷 with a smile 😸 for 👏🎁 hours 🕐 at a time 😝 Stare at the ceiling while 🚕 I 👈 hold 🛂 back ⬅️ what's ❔❓🤔 on 🔛 my 🌞🙏 mind 🧠 And when 🤷 they 💥 ask 🙏 me 😸😸 how 😐 I'm 🧒 doing 😧🏃 I 🙅 say, 🤺 "I'm 💘💘 just 😾 fine" 🙊 And when 😏 they 👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦🔁 ask 🙋❓ me 🧘 how 🤷‍♀️ I'm 💁 doing ✨ I 🎷 say, ☄️ "I'm ✨🤪🚧 just 🏼 fine" 🙊 But 📷 the fact 📕 is I 👀 can 🦎 never ❌ get 5️⃣ off 📴 of my 😊 mattress And all 🟣 that 💯 they 👥 can 🏃🏽‍♂️🏃🏽‍♂️🏃🏽‍♂️ ask 👏❓ is "Why 🚮❓ are you 🕛👊 so sad, 😭 kid?" 👧👶👦 (Why 😷🏫🤔🤔 are you 🦎 so sad, 😩🙁😭 kid?) 😞
Draconic Rupture 19 Aug, 2022 @ 6:20am 
Kit 6 Aug, 2022 @ 3:11am 
Oh TenZ, i love you so so much, your SMILE alone wins VCTs, your VOICE is pitch perfect and your BODY is a perfect temple of bliss and purity, forever and always i love you TenZ from all your socials to post-game interviews. so cute so pro so perfect BatChest
Thanatos 19 May, 2022 @ 6:57pm 
go play hollow knight