Michael Magpie
Magpie Michael
I eat and am eaten

"�Reciprocal-feeding� of everything that exists, might proceed in the Universe and thereby that the merciless �Heropass� might not have its maleficent effect on the Sun Absolute." (43)

One of the most interesting aspects of Gurdjieff's Cosmology is his idea of the Trogoautoegocratic Process or the Iraniranumange. This is the process that His Endlessness implemented to overcome the results of Time and Entropy, the inevitable running down of energy in the universe. He likens this to a universal perpetual motion machine that functions according to the Laws of Three and Seven. The Ouroboros or an image of one or two snakes or dragons eating their tails is a representation of this ancient idea as is Jacobs Ladder from the Bible..

As the original outpouring of the energy from the Absolute of His Endlessness elaborates itself down the Ray of Creation, it looses energy and becomes constrained by more and more laws. At the same time an anti-entropic flow of energy is working its way back up the cosmic scale returning to the Absolute to replenish its energy. This ladder of descending and ascending energies is called the Trogoautoegocrat. For Gurdjieff's description of this process, see Chapter 39 in Beelzebub's Tales.

Humans play an important part in this process as the transformation of the three being foods is part of the evolutionary return flow of energy to the Absolute.
Đang trên mạng
He who tastes, knows. But he who only thinks he tastes - will not leave anyone alone.

“And so, in consequence of the fact that for this new system of functioning of the forces which until then maintained the existence of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, there were required outside of the Sun Absolute corresponding sources in which such forces could arise and from which they could flow into the presence of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, our ALMIGHTY ENDLESSNESS was just then compelled to create our now existing Megalocosmos with all the cosmoses of different scales and relatively independent cosmic formations present in it, and from then on the system which maintained the existence of the Sun Absolute began to be called Trogoautoegocrat.

“And all the results of the ‘evolution’ and ‘involution’ of these active elements, actualizing the Trogoautoegocratic principle of existence of everything existing in the Universe by means of reciprocal feeding and maintaining each other’s existence, produce the said common-cosmic process ‘Iraniranumange,’ or, as I have already said, what objective science calls ‘common-cosmic-exchange-of-substances.’

“And then also our cherubim gave names, also existing until now, to the emanations and radiations issuing from all these cosmoses of different scales, by means of which the process of the most great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat proceeds.
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Resident Evil 4
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Đã chơi 371 giờ
Do you understand the implications? The speed of light is the only matter that can decipher the symbolic nature of all things. Even this isn't enough to warrant a search party in the Lands Between.

Somebody once said that the tree took the life of all things passed away in order to feed it's own consciousness. We believe it to be in our best nature to harness the energy for our own merits and achievements. Feeding a soul must preside over all but in order to do this one must ease the suffering of all those within your atmosphere.

yea i'm bored just get the game.