Sel Und Irae
:guardian:He stood alone, forging swords on a distant hill.:guardian:
:crusader_helmet:Steel was his body, glass his heart.:8bitheart:
:Hire:He had forged over a thousand blades,:War:
:Blessing:not once knowing victory, nor ever defeat.:stress:
:albionsword:Thus, his life has never needed any meaning.:kcdswords:
:brothersword:His body was made of infinite swords.:brothersword:
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About Me

Y'know, When they told us about the many heroic figures of the past they never once pointed out the hardships one must endure to even qualify for the right to be called hero.

When i embarked onto the path of justice i thought to myself . .

"If i only had power i could save everyone!"

Looking back . .

I see what a fool i truly was . .

Only the lucky make it far with that kind of mindset in our position . .

To walk the path of a "Hero" is to truly be alone . .

For every enemy you conquer a new enemy will take his place . .

It quickly becomes routine every single day to constantly stand on guard as to not find a well placed dagger in your back . .

Even the fairest maiden can quickly prove to be your undoing if allowed the chance . .

Very quickly fears will become your undoing and sleep will become one of your greatest . .

To sleep is to die . .

And to die is to . .

Mm, I think you get the idea . . ?

Or perhaps not?

You would still pursue this path despite knowing all of this?

Well, I guess the foolish truly do attract eachother . .

Come then

Let us walk this lonely road together . .

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Paradox Interactive Censorship
6 9 1
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1,765 Hours played
They have been posting dev diaries for over a year now with no end in sight for the day 1 DLC and have shadily changed the release date from "Coming Soon" to "To Be Announced" and despite every diary being filled with "Date when" they refuse to give any information.

Yesterday on Dev Post #77 I quoted a response from another steam user quoting a moderator (Two year old) and in response since they didn't like my response nor the other user they decided to permanently ban me from the CK lll Community.

No clue what happened to the other guy but all i know is this a bunch of children who can't take criticism or being questioned and will remove you by force if they don't like what is being said.

The base game is okay, You need so many mods to make it fun after 30 hours its ridiculous. They seem to have zero issues just riding off free workshop support and handing out garbage updates while they hype up this "Royal Court" DLC that is likely going to be a waste of content and break so many useful mods.

Paradox has lost me as a customer over this and i will not be recommending any content from them in the future.

I'd suggest waiting till the development cycle for this game is completed otherwise you'll be waiting a long time for any meaningful updates.

And for the attitude they have the game isn't that good Just saying.

Also, for those wondering what i said that got me banned?

"Wow, they changed the release date and didn't communicate it? What a bunch of A r s e holes"
Review Showcase
I've had the game since launch, Been there for all the reworks and have all the DLC have supported them since day 1.

Fast forward to today, Logged in got notification that they've ported the Subscriptions to Stellaris. Nobody who has all the DLC or has been there for day 1 gets anything. The previous DLC was god awful, Now they want to make it 13$ A month in hopes you forget you're subscribed and get endless revenue.

I love this game, The Developers were amazing until this recent DLC. The behaviour i'm witnessing here is the same behaviour i noticed early on from the Crusader Kings lll Team. I feel like they laid off the OG Stellaris Devs silently, It's been very anti consumer lately and all the recent changes have been geared towards Mobile Game Escque content.

It does not feel like the original Stellaris at all, Not in a good way either.

Please, Do not support this company anymore; Let them go bankrupt and force them to sell IP Rights to another entity.

And just because they've done the thing they did to Crusader Kings ll supporters i'm going to leave this here;

To scam this system, Subscribe once on a computer you will never re-activate wifi for (Offline only) and when subscription is set to renew do not renew, Just set your local PC time back.

Aslong as it does not have access to the internet in any way shape or form and the local time does not bypass renew you can do whatever the hell you want.
Screenshot Showcase
Sel Und Irae 12 May @ 2:26am 
All good games, Much as i hate Paradox not gunna lie that game is decent but the awful monetization turns me away.
Gottesanbieter 12 May @ 2:22am 
This dude have same interests of game with me i do play stellaris, ck3, eu4, bannerlord, manorlords, galactic civ4,x4,battle brothers, civ6,skyrim too 👏👏👏
Sel Und Irae 9 May @ 1:28pm 
That would've made life way easier when i was still actively developing my mod lol.

Sounds like a dream tool.
Sunconure11 8 May @ 3:44am 
I have found some software that is super fast in handling conversion of music to Stellaris. The tool is called Any Video Downloader. It comes with both conversion and downloading tools. And it can export .ogg files.
ValkyrieMoon 2 May @ 4:56pm 
Sel Und Irae 20 Apr @ 2:31pm 


@Sunconure11 Neat, Not sure what else to suggest though tbh, I just used the first Google result and exported it / opened it into Wondershare.

From what i hear YouTube is cracking down hard on these services and making it harder to do, So might be rough going for a while unless you just audio capture (Run Filmora and let it record then Seperate Video recording and just use audio file.