Leonardo   Panama, Panama
Sedang Offline
Super Nox 3 Agu 2023 @ 3:59pm 
tIeNeS qUe aPrEnDeR a sOmBrEaR
Feather 17 Feb 2022 @ 8:04pm 
im the anji player you fought in floor 9 btw
Feather 17 Feb 2022 @ 8:04pm 
gg wp
Feather 17 Feb 2022 @ 8:03pm 
y termino con chicago punish into canadian burst+mexican uppercut
Feather 17 Feb 2022 @ 8:03pm 
luego vas a usar una frame trap que voy a parar con un fuzzy cancelo con un roman cancel para seguir con una cadena de block string,countereo con un chip damage para iniciar mi corner carry y castigar tu skill issue pero todo va a ser un mindgame para dañar tu mentality y perjudicar tu knowledge y entoces ahi mi verdadero mixup va a iniciar en un safe jump con hit lag,side step to tech trap to alpha-counter,activo limit break y daño tu zoning,x-ray into whiff punish,guard break in your high profile to make my low profile into auto-pilot y Acabar el combo-chain con tu stamina reducida y dañar tu friendship con mi respect
Feather 17 Feb 2022 @ 8:03pm 
GG,well played solo necesitas mejorar en tus combos, movement, blocking, neutral, aggression, punishes, conversions, border escaping, aerial control, air combos, resets, DPs, reversal, deck, flowchart, electric wind god fist, footsies, option selects, frame traps, fuzzy guards, pressure, air tech, ground tech, anti-air, cancels, auto-pilot, backdash, roman cancels, block strings, BnBs, meter, chicken block, chip damage, corner carry, counters, skill issue, execution, frame data, friendship, gimmicks, throws, knockdowns, high profiles, low profiles, hit stun, IADs, juggles, korean backdash, mash, meaties, mind games, mixups, okizeme, crossups, poke, projectiles, mentality, reaction, knowledge, family, respect, safe jumps, salt, sandbagging, set play, shimmy,hit lag, side steps, spirit orb management, wave dashing, throw breaks,standardised ruleset, commitment, short hops, X-rays, Alpha-counters, clash, limit breaks y zoning