United Kingdom (Great Britain)
:csgocross: Software Circus Gaming Tournament Second Edition Champion

Genesis 9:7

*DEAD* [Phoenix] retrovfx™: sloth you are nan gay

Luke- "I have big balls ngl"

"I just want to explain how much I appreciate this boy. He has helped me through so much in 5 months. He's helped me to talk to people who I would normally be too shy to talk to. He has helped me find myself as a person. And he has brought me closer to god, and I don't think he knows he has. I love this boy. And I appreciate his derpy existence in my life. He also buys me food."
- LalaPaige16
Kirjautunut ulos
2 591
tuntia pelattu
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 122 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 1.7.
yhteensä 13,3 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 29.6.
yhteensä 18,5 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 28.5.
Kapitan Kot 24.6. klo 2.44 
siema, dodaj prosze, mam pytanie
✪ FOGGY 11.7.2023 klo 14.45 
very stupid kid
✪ FOGGY 11.7.2023 klo 14.44 
-rep idiot ruin game , gived more reported )
(-_-) 18.4.2023 klo 5.39 
Azza 29.3.2023 klo 13.52 
his dad has alopecia, mother has a mohawk and he still trades football cards to kids
Talibanko Türk gücü 22.2.2023 klo 13.19 
12y old