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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika GandhiKhan

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16.1 godz. łącznie (9.9 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
The game to play when you lose all sense of self control and want to cause destruction, drive fast, while high paced music blasts. Good humor, easy to play. You don't really need an xbox controller to play since there's relatively few controls! Has a few bumpy bits but it's an ode to the N64, I'll just chalk that up to inspiration!
Opublikowana: 14 kwietnia.
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61.9 godz. łącznie (16.9 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
No game has ever got the feeling and spirit of owning a car you form a bond with quite so well, I've bonded with this wagon as if it was my own irl car. The maintenance is fun? It's quite fun to see a headlight clicker so you have to either fix it, let it run out or replace it on the fly. Not to mention that the game itself is actually tense, but there are so many gameplay and accessibility options that you can tailor the game to be exactly what you want. Don't want storms? It's there, don't want to take damage or even die? Sure, won't get trophies but you can do that. Don't want your car to drain battery with the headlights on? That's possible too. I'm not very far into it so I can't say much for the story but it's truly something interesting so far.
As for optimization the game is 17gb and even on my old 1080 I still have to turn the graphics down a bit but the game's style doesn't require your game to now look all muddy, i have numerous things on medium and it's still just beautiful. Music in the game is incredible, sound is top notch. Just remember to Drive Like Hell.
Opublikowana: 25 lutego.
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6,948.8 godz. łącznie (4,954.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
This game has opened up my life like none before it. I met so many good friends here, learned about my passion and love for history and military vehicles. I started in middle school, and I've put more hours on Gaijin's own launcher than steam's. This game will always be a core memory, and one I will always look back fondly on. If there's one game you wish to play that has a slow paced pvp team based game, that includes historical and modern vehicles that show incredible accuracy, this is the only game you'll really ever need. Thank you, War Thunder and Gaijin Entertainment.
Opublikowana: 26 maja 2023.
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1.5 godz. łącznie
Haven't played much of it yet, but I've already had a ton of fun with it. I'm not very good when it comes to horror games, but it's fun! It gives me old dos game vibes with playstation 1 visuals. The story is fairly interesting, and has fairly unique mechanics. It's well worth the play being a free game.

It has a fairly stable build, I haven't experienced any issues yet. I will say the floor geometry is very exact, if it's too tall you'll have to find a way around unless you're underwater and have the upgraded suit. The knife does feel a bit short though, and timing is everything, and I do wish we had a way to 'holster' our knife so we can have a full unimpeded vision. Other than that, there's really no issues here.

This game has a better build quality than many much larger games do, which is really something for this group. I hope to see more games from this group!
Opublikowana: 6 maja 2023.
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1,256.7 godz. łącznie (3.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
This game is great fun, but it's absolutely terrifying when it wants to be, currently, i'm holed up in a barn at a farm early on in the game, I absolutely refuse to go outside at the moment because, well there's a seeker (who i shot at a bit to see if i could kill it quickly, i didn't) and it called over a runner and a hunter, and i'm ok with runners, but right now, at night? I'm not going near that hunter, I don't want to fight that thing at night, i absolutely do not want to fight it at all but right now im just waiting for day time so i can either run, or fight it with clear view. This thing is terrifying.

EDIT: About 50 hours later, i've played with and without friends, and this game keeps me hooked, I can take tanks on my own, hunters, harvesters, and whatever else you need. I am sucker for stealthily sniping out runners without notifying a tank. I have encountered bugs, falling through the floor sometimes, but i've got around that, i've lost data, but i've had it saved on file for backup, the game never got tiring, it keeps me going, i live for shooting robots, charging bunkers, shotgun and revolver in hand, taking out apoc tanks from the balcony of a house running deeper inside the house to get away from rockets. This game rules when it comes to firefights. Lately i've been in a way where games just can't keep my attention for long, getting burnt out on games sucks, but this game, Generation Zero, has brought me back, and i'll never look back, i may have been terrified at first, but now i thrill for charging down a hunter Sjoqvist in hand blasting it away until it's nothing but the scrap metal it's mother was made from.

EDIT EDIT: About 290 hours later, this is a game I continue to play regularly, i've beaten both the DLC's, i've beaten the main story, and i keep coming back. The machines will be made to suffer. I really only play using 5c weapons to add to the challenge, using my trusty 5c Algstudare, Sjoqvist, Kpist, and KVM 59, nothing really stands a chance anymore, show me true power worthy of fear!

EDIT EDIT EDIT: god help me
Opublikowana: 22 grudnia 2019. Ostatnio edytowane: 14 marca 2022.
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50.4 godz. łącznie (31.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Very easy to get started and get going, if you do it right, you can get a piece of tech per game, use this to your advantage and make your own war crime wagon! - 2019

Years later, I can say that while this game is fun, and was worth the 20 dollars at the time, it isn't anymore, what's in the game now will always be in the game, but you will get nothing new, it's abandoned. I had so much fun with this game, and I still play it now and again, but 20 dollars is too much to only play for 2 days every year. I hate it because I loved it so much, I want more WW1 tank games.
Opublikowana: 29 czerwca 2019. Ostatnio edytowane: 8 stycznia 2023.
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