Just chillin', killin' 🖤
Artwork Showcase
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Review Showcase
A realistic (at least it used to be) fps game with teams of five players. The graphics are stunning.

There are a lot of characters, each with their own unique abilities. It’s a challenging game, and getting used to it takes time. If you want to play well, you definitely need to memorize the maps. Also, it’s better not to roam around with a character meant to stay on the site.

Due to the large number of characters, you can create different strategies and have a lot of fun, especially if your aim is already good and you have friends to play with, you’ll enjoy it even more.

The realism of the game was initially appealing, but looking at the latest characters and updates, they’ve kind of thrown realism out the window. XD

If you buy the game without any dlc, you start with only the Recruit character, or maybe one or two characters i'm not sure. Sometimes there are good discounts, so you can grab it then you won’t lose much, and it’s fun.

A few things that might annoy you: getting shot through tiny holes, some bugs, getting kicked out of the game due to sudden errors or not being able to connect to servers, idiots who try to spawn peek from the first round and die immediately, people who don’t use the lean keys, etc. :)

It’s a good game; play it and get others to play too.
INotLikePudding 29 Jan @ 10:55am 

DasHNezZ 29 Jan @ 3:49am 
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Glinzy 26 Jan @ 4:45pm 
Roddrein 22 Jan @ 7:23pm 
aNimEçi olmaaK 6 YaŞinDaan ITißaren SoruLaan TürkÇee SoruYaa 'Dai jobu da yo' DemeKTir. 7 YaŞinDaan Sonraa anaDiLDeen KopariLip BaşKaa DiLee ZorunLu KaLmaKTir. açLiqı KimSeSizLiqi FaKirLiqi ZorlLuqu GurßeTii YaŞamaKTir. aNimEçÍ OLmaK tOkyO Gißii Biir $eHirDee PoLiS TaraFınDaan ÇewiriLip KimLiqi SorquLamaKTir. Ben ana DiLimi iSTIYorum DeDiqi iÇin NezaHareTLerDee işKenCee GörmeKTir. AnlmEci OLmaaK DewLeT TaraFinDaan işKenCee EDiLirKen OtAkUyuz AmK DemeKTir. LiCe'Dee ZiLan'Daa BiTLiS'Tee RoßoSKi'Dee KaTLeDiLmeKTir. animEci OLmaaK ZinDaan KöŞelLerinDee SizLaYaan YaraLarıYLaa AnimEciLiGi we OtAkUcUIUgU HaYKirmaKTir.. AnimEci OLDuqum iÇin RaHaTSIz OLanlLar werDiqim RaHaTSizLIKTan DolLaYı Gurur DuYuYorum...
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Roddrein 11 Jan @ 12:08pm 