1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
0.4 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 1,565.4 uur in totaal (292.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 2 jul 2015 om 12:20
Gewijzigd: 18 aug 2020 om 20:23

A great video game i grew up with, helped me learn so much, including how misleading valve can be when it comes to updates, this game has inspired many to create amazing content and bring smiles to many including myself. this wonderful gem of a game is on life support and we're all waiting for valve either to pull the plug, say there is no more updates, continue with radio silence, or actually release the heavy update and fix the bot crisis, maybe even update mvm. but we all know deep down inside that the game isnt gonna be updated. great game 11/10 UPDATE IT YOU LAZY ♥♥♥♥♥
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