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0.0 timmar senaste två veckorna / 397.4 timmar totalt (42.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd: 5 jun, 2019 @ 19:42
Uppdaterad: 8 dec, 2019 @ 14:46

Although I do like this game, it feels as though it has been rushed out onto the market, pretty bare bones which Paradox is known for doing & they always fix their games by selling what should've been in the start of the game as dlc. I don't feel like breaking my wallet to experience the entirety of the game as it should be, but we all know its gonna be purchasable dlc.

Although I recommended against this game at release I now do recommend it seeing as how Paradox Released DLC for free & has updated it I now feel as though they are actually gonna work on this game and try to polish it up more, although I doubt we'll get another free dlc anytime soon I'm still grateful for what they have done thus far.
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