No information given.
Marianne 18 Mar, 2023 @ 1:51am 
The save files from the game "DRAGON QUEST® XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age™ - Definitive Edition" can sometimes become corrupted! When that happens your save file cannot be restored anymore and will be gone.
But someone found out that the bug is probably linked to the Steam Cloud that stores your safe files. So to prevent this from happening, you must go to your Property menu and shut it down!
Marianne 10 Oct, 2022 @ 7:47am 
The game "Even For Eternia" has a DLC that is not shown on the store page, called: "Even For Eternia: Blue Diamond".
The DLC is present as a separate .exe-file in the Local Files of the game! You can load the extra story only from there.
Marianne 24 Aug, 2021 @ 12:32pm 
In-game timeline story order from "Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove":
- Shovel Knight: King of Cards
- Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
- Shovel Knight: Showdown
- Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows
- Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope
- Shovel Knight: Dig
Marianne 24 Aug, 2021 @ 12:10pm 
In-game timeline story order from "Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition":
- Leliana's Song
- Dragon Age: Origins
- Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening
- The Golems of Amgarrak
- Witch Hunt
Marianne 29 Jul, 2021 @ 12:18pm 
The official (english) names for the Warriors of Light of Final Fantasy 1:
In the novelization "Final Fantasy: Memory of Heroes" they are named:
- Setro, the Warrior (fire crystal, short red hair)
- Zauver, the Thief (wind crystal, blond hair)
- Flora, the White Mage (water crystal, only female in group)
- Teol, the Black Mage (earth crystal)
And in the December 30, 1989, manga, the rest are named:
- Fritz, the Monk
- Puffi, the Red Mage (female, the protagonist who acts as the leader)
Marianne 29 Jul, 2021 @ 12:17pm 
The official (english) names for the Warriors of Light of Final Fantasy 3:
The official manga serialization "Legend of the Eternal Wind: Final Fantasy III" names them:
- Muuchi
- Doug
- J. Bowie
- Melfi (the only female in the group)