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51–60/130 bejegyzés mutatása
1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
11.7 óra a nyilvántartásban
It's been 5 years, yet this game still has a place both in my heart and head. The absolutely loveable, well-written characters and nice aesthetics were certainly something to remember.
Közzétéve: 2022. március 12. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2022. március 12.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
4.6 óra a nyilvántartásban
Hard. All I wanted to do is to make a cool underground graveyard. Spoiler: it didn't end that well.
Közzétéve: 2022. március 12. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2022. március 12.
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15.4 óra a nyilvántartásban
It's easy until it isn't, or maybe I'm just too dumb. The style contests were fun though.
Közzétéve: 2022. március 12.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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2.3 óra a nyilvántartásban
This is honestly the first game I ever got a refund for, and what pains me even more is that normally I'm an avid horse game fan. But this game is so boring that it brought me to an end. If this was the goal, then well done.
Közzétéve: 2022. március 12.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
18.5 óra a nyilvántartásban
Just as good as the first part, but way more adventurous + requires somewhat of a brain (which is why I didn't finish it)
Közzétéve: 2022. március 12.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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14.2 óra a nyilvántartásban
Now let me start by saying that I absolutely adore the artstyle (ever since Randal's monday), and while OUT OF THE BOX obviously is going into a different direction gameplay-wise, it's still simply a good looking game.
The objective is theoretcally quite simple - to only let people into the club who are legally allowed to - but in practice it's really harder than it sounds, with time limits, bills to pay, guests that try to bribe you etc..
The story is quite well thought out and your decisions affect the characters in the long run. There's four different endings plus some other achievements to unlock, which adds quite a bite of replay value. Some seem to be bugged though, so I don't know if it's really possible to achieve 100% at the moment.

All in all, a solid 8/10.
Közzétéve: 2022. március 12.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
3 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
29.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (8.3 óra az értékeléskor)
Absolutely recommend getting it on sale. Now hear me out.

If you really want to be a true horse game aficionado, you will have to endure a lot of bad games. It's unfortunately in the nature of this niche that low quality games are being sold for an undeserved price to basically rip off parents of mostly girls who want a pony (and got a video game instead). And I'm not saying this one is different, as it's obviously going in the same direction - which isn't an entirely bad thing, just the cashgrab part - but this game, well, if you're already entering with said expectations like me, I was honestly suprised to have a rather short, but genuinely fun time.


+ a cool, rather large open world map with even some more "secret" places to explore
+ a main storyquest and a couple of sidequests that don't need to necessarily be completed in a certain order
+ character and horse customization (of course not Star Stable level, but actually a pretty decent assortment to choose from)
+ relatively nice graphics, you can tell this game was released in 2018
+ a fun collectible quest that requires you to visit the mentioned "secret" places
+ a strong and independent woman (unironically) as the player character. I'd say in her friendliness and politeness she's a pretty good role model for younger children.

~ somewhat plain yet mildly likeable characters
~ the difficulty. The controls need time to get used to and even though I've been playing horse game for literally more than half of my life, I frequently failed the parcours. While this was a welcome challenge for me, it might be very frustrating for even more unskilled players.

- Annoying voiceovers (at least in the german version). Absolutely couldn't stand the voices.
- Criminally dreadful carriage quests that sometimes take like 20 minutes each and are just as boring as watching paint dry, BUT are unfortunately necessary to complete one of the achievements.
- No replay value. Once you've completed the game with all the sidequests, there's literally nothing else to do.
- An achievement that requires you to ride around on a horse ingame for 24 real hours, while the game takes around 8 to complete when you're not doing a speedrun. (why. why would you do this??) It's probably the last achievement that will prevent you from getting a 100%.
- And last but definitely not least: the exorbitant regular price for not nearly as much content as it would have to include to be justified.

So overall, if you're just looking for a fun one-time playthrough, that still feels like it has some difficulty and rewarding moments to it, then I'd recommend getting this game on sale. If you still haven't given up looking for the perfect horse game, I feel your pain, but it still hasn't been made yet; so in the meantime, you might want to play something else.

Total rating: 8,5 /10, measured according to the mentioned bad standards.
Közzétéve: 2022. március 12. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2022. március 21.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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11.9 óra a nyilvántartásban
Saints Row III but it's the Matrix. Fun with friends, but other than that, I don't feel like basically playing the same game twice.
Közzétéve: 2022. március 12.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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0.5 óra a nyilvántartásban
A cute and easy childrens game. It was included in the "Mini worlds" bundle, and boring yourself through for an easy 100% only takes 30 minutes.
Közzétéve: 2022. március 12.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
9.2 óra a nyilvántartásban
...did anyone ever genuinely give Portal a thumbs down? I'd like to see the reasoning.
Közzétéve: 2022. március 12.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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51–60/130 bejegyzés mutatása