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1.6 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 414.6 óra a nyilvántartásban (90.4 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2021. júl. 31., 9:18
Frissítve: 2021. júl. 31., 9:32

.good off road experience
.real trucks from real brands
.supportive of modders
.easy to understand mechanics
.wheel support
.terrain physics
.dlc is usually cheap and adds one or two more vehicles per dlc

.all wheel drive is not availble on all trucks in an OFF ROAD game
.there is mud everywhere with extremely minimal pavement anywhere or actual dirt roads its just all mud or deep mud with standing water that makes you drive forever in first gear only
.awd sucks up typically 2.5 to 4.5 gallons per min with trucks that have 50 to 70 gallon tanks
.unrealistic fuel consumption on trucks with "special" engines
.no engine upgrades for specific trucks like 5070a paystar
.almost always need awd in 95% of off road driving
.trucks like the paystar 5070a have terrible ability to pull loads on trailers and often gets stuck even though it is classified as an "off road" truck
.many highway trucks can be bought but struggle often
.8 wheel trucks like one offered in the dlc are semi over powered and you wont need much else to accomplish many of the tasks with it in your garage
.CATERPILLAR trucks minus the 680 and 681 only have use on individual missions designed for them and are useless afterwards
.apache 6x6 is front wheel drive and typically can not handle itself well with out using awd which causes large fuel consumption on its very small tank
.international scout 800 has a large tendency to roll over and more so with raised suspension and bigger wheels
.loadstar has the ability to be an actual heavy duty truck with a small flat bed similar to the ford 750 but does not for some reason
.service bodies dont carry fuel
.you need to have all terrain tires on everything and maybe mud tire and chain tires all the other tire tipes are useless and the more expensive version of tires does not give you any betterment they just cost more for looks
.trucks are not as strong as they actually are and seem to have difficulty with loads they are actually designed for
. trucks only go 25 to 35 miles per hour which is highly unrealistic and also takes you forever to get anywhere fast
. damage to truck from driving over small rocks is huge especially if your going 20mph
. there are rocks everywhere on every major road chewing through your trucks durability till your stranded
.trucks durability can be described as made of glass
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1 megjegyzés
Inès 2024. okt. 31., 0:31 
OMG, your review is like, super detailed and awesome! I totally love how you explained everything. You're amazing! 😍✨