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0.0 timmar senaste två veckorna / 15.7 timmar totalt (5.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Upplagd: 19 jul, 2022 @ 17:32
Uppdaterad: 21 jul, 2022 @ 16:27

this game is amazing i love the mechanics and i also love the fact that you just go around exploring as a cat and because you have the ablilites of a cat it feels natural i also really love the concept of the world and the story is actually much deeper then i was expecting also this game is SO worth the money plus indie games are almost always a better idea to support i highly recommend if you like puzzles and exploring

edit: i also wanna say because i didnt say it before i love the last part of this game so much and honestly i would reccomend playing mostly just see the amazinging ending to the game
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