Lil Abortion
CPU: Discrete silicon integrated circuit @2.048MHz
GPU: Texas Instruments TMS9918
Ram: 64KB Stick
Storage: 32KB hard disk
Sound Chip: Yamaha YM2149
Clock Chip: Ricoh RP5C01
Case: apollo 11
PSU: Car battery from a stolen from a car
Favorite Game
Hours played
Cubist Ideology 13 Jan, 2024 @ 11:16pm 
a very wise man once told me "a foolish man complains of his torn pocket, a wise man uses the hole to scratch his balls."
Cubist Ideology 1 Oct, 2023 @ 5:02pm 
Dear mr landlord

I've been hearing this thing, creature even.
I hear it under my floor every night followed with some weird metallic sounds as if it's here to steal the copper from my cables. It's been scrapping away at them little by little for the past three weeks, I believe this to be the case because when it happens the porn I am watching stops buffering briefly, I am scared to check under the house inside that dreaded crawl space in fear of this whole debacle being an attempt to lure me in.

If you are reading this I believe it is already far too late, I cannot take it any longer and I will check my precious Ethernet cables in the hopes I can finally see my beloved anime waifu once more.


Quandale Dingle
Godsgreatestsoilder 17 Jun, 2023 @ 8:21pm 
What the ♥♥♥♥ are these fa=gots talking about in here, anyways cool guy.
1man 23 Feb, 2023 @ 8:21pm 
-rep bad at csgo
blicky 13 Feb, 2023 @ 3:32pm 
-rep likes to camp in video games
Cubist Ideology 19 Dec, 2022 @ 12:46am 
Sorry, I clicked on your profile because your PFP made me think there might be porn.
I see now that there isn't any. You seem pretty cool, but now I'm horny and leaving.