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Seneste anmeldelser af Marshmallow-Maraca

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242.6 timer registreret i alt (127.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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I get that all you see for this game is Disney meets Animal Crossing, but it's true, and being in game just makes me so happy. I'm relaxed when I head into this world, and I really look forward to all the updates to come.
Skrevet: 25. november 2022.
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4.2 timer registreret i alt
This is one of the most chill games I've ever played, and would 10/10 recommend to anyone who wants to relax and enjoy some time to yourself.
Skrevet: 6. maj 2020.
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39.3 timer registreret i alt (20.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
I'm twenty hours into this game and I honestly can't get enough. I'm so excited for what's to come if this is just early access, because it's so addictive as it is! Looking forward to all it has to offer in the future, and would 10/10 recommend for people who like Stardew, Harvest Moon etc.
Skrevet: 4. februar 2020.
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269.2 timer registreret i alt (13.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
This is suuuuch a relaxing game - would definitely recommend!
Skrevet: 8. januar 2020.
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51 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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5.3 timer registreret i alt
I got to try out Hamsterdam at EGX Rezzed in April this year, and, after giving it a good go and falling in love with the cute characters and art style, and winning a pin badge after beating a boss without getting hit, my housemate getting the plushie of Pimm, and getting free stickers, I was super excited to be able to play the full game on release. I did enjoy it, but here's my honest list of pros and cons. TLDR at the bottom.

- Lovely art style with adorable characters – this was one of the big factors for buying this, for me.
- Enjoyable to play
- GREAT for the price – after seeing it being demo’d at EGX, I would have expected a higher price, so I was very pleased
- Different bosses mix things up a little
- Quick-time events are fun and add a little bit more to each level
- The actual stages move along with the world map, so the backgrounds of each stage correlates to where you’re placed on the map, which I liked.

- Gets a little boring when you know what’s coming since the levels are the same throughout, and whilst this makes quick-time events necessary, they also became repetitive – so, in a word, predictable, I suppose
- I wish it was more than just pressing one button for the actual attacks, besides the attacks for KOs and such. Hitting X repeatedly can get very dull - but, on saying that, you do get into a rhythm of playing.
- Levels where you ride on the scooter made me INCREDIBLY dizzy, to the point where I could barely get through one of the mini-bosses and one of the main bosses, especially with my health no higher than a quarter full, so I warn anyone with motion sickness especially.
- A small personal preference, but I don’t like the fact that if you hit A during dialogue, it just skips the entire thing. So, for example, usually in games as text is filling in letter by letter, it auto-fills in the rest of the dialogue when you hit A, and then you hit it again to move on. Hitting a once just skips the entire text box, which was a little annoying - this is just a little thing, but it would have made it better for me to process if the text was static.

- During one of the stages, where an enemy didn’t disappear off screen, meaning I was stuck, unable to get one of the other enemies to move in front to continue. I had to restart the stage. Not a big issue, as it only happened once.
- Also during one of the stages, Pimm froze in mid-air, leaving me vulnerable to every attack. Again, just restarted the stage, and only happened once.

TLDR; Yes, I would recommend, but mostly because I love the style, and you can tell a lot of care and work has gone into this game. However, if the price was any higher, I'd say wait for a sale. Due to the price being REALLY GOOD for what you get, yes, get the game. Definitely.
Skrevet: 1. august 2019.
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En udvikler svarede d. 2. aug. 2019 kl. 6:57 (vis svar)
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33.2 timer registreret i alt (29.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
As a fan of Theme Hospital, when I saw this coming out I was SUPER excited, and, luckily, was not disappointed. I adore these kinds of games, so I can't really write a bad review, honestly. Personally, I would recommend, especially if you liked Theme Hospital, and the DLC is worth the purchase, too. I got the game discounted a little bit after it was released and have been very happy so far.
Skrevet: 9. april 2019.
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1.9 timer registreret i alt
Not a bad little game. Bought it on sale, which, honestly, I felt like it was worth only the sale price, as I don't feel like it's got replayability, but the storyline was cute, and it kept me entertained for the two hours it took to complete. The game controls well and has a REAL cute style. Maybe it was a bit too restrictive at times. I felt like it was reverse-Katamari-esque, so maybe wider areas to roam would have been better for this type of game?

I wouldn't NOT recommend this game, but the reviews are honest, both positive and negative, so read them before you make your mind up.
Skrevet: 28. december 2018.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
12.2 timer registreret i alt (6.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I would only recommend Sonic Forces at a sale price. I found the game hard to handle, fell off multiple times in the same spots just because it was so difficult to control sometimes, and the 'classic Sonic' levels were so frustrating... However, the character creator is amusing, and it runs well, especially the cutscenes with your character in them, so, whilst I wouldn't recomment at full price, wait until it's on sale and buy it then, and it'll give you a few hours entertainment, at least.
Skrevet: 2. december 2018.
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