The True Scotsman 15 май 2017 в 15:32 
mims 13 май 2017 в 16:01 
Paula baby come back I miss u :steamsad:
fate 16 апр. 2017 в 19:06 
you should play brawlhalla more, i miss u :x.
Plastic Flamingo 15 апр. 2017 в 22:21 
fate 30 март 2017 в 20:36 
fate 23 март 2017 в 20:16 
fate 29 ян. 2017 в 20:18 
hola mexican frendo :)!
Gregorian. Society?? 8 ян. 2017 в 11:04 
hi yes im professional cuck
Plastic Flamingo 22 дек. 2016 в 23:51 
I lol'd
Gregorian. Society?? 22 дек. 2016 в 0:02 
As I cantered towards the bridge that I planned to heave myself off of, I was a horndog. At the corner stood the man I had lusted over for years, his sillhoutte(?) splayed across the concrete wall. I needed to get that ♥♥♥♥♥. I yearned for it, and it was mine.

Over three lanes of traffic did I cross to get my prize. But when I got there, I was flabbergasted For instead of the god/friendly neighboorhood negrant Nahum of House Assrez, before me stood Paula Deen the Succ Queen. With lamentation, I screeched and stumbled back towards the bridge. Though I could not live without seeing the god/friendly neighboorhood negrant Nahum of House Assrez, I could neither live with myself knowing I'd seen Paula Deen the Succ Queen's ugly ass face.

It was lit.
Gregorian. Society?? 21 дек. 2016 в 23:58 
As can the overabundance of spammers and the Hattori Wall you find in Bronze/Silver. As the game grows bigger, lower level players are more common and with that commons salty mofos, because this IS a competetive game and people don't like to lose.
Gregorian. Society?? 21 дек. 2016 в 23:57 
But if you can break past the carcinogens off the low level play, this game is such a great one.
Gregorian. Society?? 8 дек. 2016 в 23:02 
One of the meanest, saltiest, unblessedest, worst, uncaring, hateful, unhelpful, unpious, ungregarious, unwelcoming, uncomforting, uninspiring, unenlightening, not sexy at all, unlovely, ugly af tbh tbh players I've ever known. hate u ugly pos tbh tbh ♥♥♥ pls
76561198348331425 5 дек. 2016 в 19:32 
One of the kindest, sweetest, blessedest, best, caring, loving, helpful, pious, gregarious, welcoming, comforting, inspiring, enlightening, sexy, lovely, sexy af player I've ever known. luv u ddy
Gregorian. Society?? 28 ноем. 2016 в 21:59 
mims 28 ноем. 2016 в 19:32 
Plastic Flamingo 17 ноем. 2016 в 16:04 
my guy r u ok
Gregorian. Society?? 16 ноем. 2016 в 20:29 
if i had a nickel for every brain u didnt have. id probably be rich my guy. like 2 nickels worth my guy. u no wut u cud do wih too nikels my guy? buy a soda in the 1920s my guy
Gregorian. Society?? 16 ноем. 2016 в 20:09 
r u ok my guy
Gregorian. Society?? 1 ноем. 2016 в 14:44 
my mama always told me. don't be a ♥♥♥♥♥
The True Scotsman 25 окт. 2016 в 7:47 
bm parry passive bunny-hop nai katar dsig spam player 0/10
purplekitty9999 2 септ. 2016 в 14:27 
grgeSB 30 авг. 2016 в 21:56 
Would smash again 10/10
Dukester 19 авг. 2016 в 0:43 
tswag is here
Kevin Samuels 28 февр. 2016 в 21:06 
Chief queef ftw
godgamer99 16 февр. 2016 в 10:50 
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how awesome they are #gaypride