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Ulasan terkini oleh Zero The Hero

Menampilkan1-6 dari 6 kiriman
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Tercatat 61.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 30.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
steal stuff fun
Diposting pada 12 Januari 2023.
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Tercatat 1.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 1.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.Regular Update.
Diposting pada 26 Desember 2022.
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Tercatat 193.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 18.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Diposting pada 27 Juli 2022.
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1 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 83.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 77.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
first of all this game is not single player and unless your used to playing games like this its pointless to even try to start. they start you on tutorial maps that anyone can join but you cant join different types of matchs (meaning you can only join the same tutorial map)or make your own untill your rank 3 and there are people above rank 3 allowed to go into these lobbys and beat on new players this game is not ranked so you can end up in a match with anyone meaning a new player can literally start a game for the first time and be in a match with a rank 10 and since its taken me 2 weeks of playing a month long match to get rank 1 i can just about imagine how many matchs someone will loose to higher ranking people just trying to get to rank 3 and i took over all of north russia russia and norway in little a less than 2 weeks still end up being beat by a higher ranking player that should no longer be allowed to play on the map im playing on cause its a tutorial map and he is clearly way past that.
Diposting pada 17 Juli 2022. Terakhir diedit pada 17 Juli 2022.
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1 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 1,406.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 1,056.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
not a good free to play game anymore, there is nothing too do, might as well just go back to selling it for that matter. Cant do weekly strikes cause its allways a dlc, but yet we can play dlc strikes on strike rotation playlist, makes no since. i dont care if people cry about what yall give away as free content you already charge people every 3 months to play the game and if you dont pay for the season pass then you fall even farther behind, your still struggling to get to 1500 and some douch bag whos already 1520 cause he got dlcs and season pass rewards and probly didnt even do the story running through killing everything with a grenade launcher killing the experience even more. they do not want you to play this game unless your going to pay them 100s of dollors to do so. and also i do have dlcs just not on pc also stupid, makes no since why i should have to buy more then one copy of any game unless im buying it for 2 different consoles, then you want me to buy your season pass, then you want me to buy your new content you come out with because your bad at making games and cant make a full game that will keep people playing it for more then 3 months. and you support abortion. really sickening people.
Diposting pada 17 Maret 2022. Terakhir diedit pada 20 Mei 2022.
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Tercatat 596.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 484.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
to much money. bots track you through walls and avoid you.there is no player base online.
Diposting pada 21 September 2021.
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Menampilkan1-6 dari 6 kiriman