WL I Sofuhan
Burhan   Kastamonu, Turkey
- Korkusundan Çin seddi yaptırılan (Mete)
- Avrupa'ya aman dileten (Attila)
- 50 binle 200 bin kişilik orduyu yok eden (Alparslan)
- 2 bin kişi ile 500 bin haçlı ordusunu Hatay'a kadar kovalayan (Kılıçarslan)
- 40 çeriyle binlerce kişilik Çin'e karşı duran (Kürşad)
- Gemileri karadan yürütüp çağ kapatıp çağ açan (Fatih)
-Herkesin bitti, gitti dediği zamanda topraklarını düşmanlardan kurtaran (Atatürk)

- Fear of Chinese soldiers (Mete)
- Dilated to Europe (Attila)
- 50 thousand 200 thousand people destroyed the army (Alparslan)
- Chosen by 2 thousand people and 500 thousand crusaders to Hatay (Kılıçarslan)
- 40 people who stand against thousands of people in China (Kürşad)
- The people who carried the ships from the land and closed the epoch (Age of Fatih)
-Everyone is finished, when he said that he saved his enemies from the land when he said (Atatürk)

- Страх перед Великой Китайской стены был построен (Мид)
- Европейская Aman Diletta (Аттила)
- 50 великих, 200 тысяч человек и уничтожение армии (Алпарслан)
- 2 тысячи до 500 тысяч человек по крестоносцев армии чеканка Хатай (Kilicarslan)
- 40 стоя против тысяч людей в Китае с вишней (Куршад)
- Суда, перевозящие на суше от времени открывает эру (Fatih)
-Herr're Готово, когда он также пошел в землю врага сохраненным (Ataturk)
- Strakh pered Velikoy Kitayskoy steny byl postroyen (Mid)
- Yevropeyskaya Aman Diletta (Attila)
- 50 velikikh, 200 tysyach chelovek i unichtozheniye armii (Alparslan)
- 2 tysyachi do 500 tysyach chelovek po krestonostsev armii chekanka Khatay (Kilicarslan)
- 40 stoya protiv tysyach lyudey v Kitaye s vishney (Kurshad)
- Suda, perevozyashchiye na sushe ot vremeni otkryvayet eru (Fatih)
-Herr're Gotovo, kogda on takzhe poshel v zemlyu vraga sokhranennym (Ataturk)
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El Rossi 28 Sep, 2023 @ 7:53pm 
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Nacho_varga 12 Sep, 2023 @ 1:23pm 
çok iyi bir hesap
I'am Cabra 5 Apr, 2023 @ 6:15pm 
- Longa attım bir flash, gel yanıma sarmaş dolaş.:steamhappy::steamhappy:

El Rossi 1 Apr, 2023 @ 5:26pm 
…..▓…………………….▓ `
ANDERSON TALİSCA 27 Mar, 2023 @ 2:41pm 
El Rossi 25 Mar, 2023 @ 1:17pm 