Kokoski   Poland
1. Jesteś w moim profilu.
2. Patrzysz na mój avatar.
3. Trzymasz ręke na myszce.
4. Językiem nie możesz dotknąć każdego zęba...
5. Jesteś idiota, bo właśnie to sprawdziłeś.
7. Jesteś ślepy...Nie zauważyłeś, że niema pkt nr 6.
8. Teraz to sprawdzasz...
9. Teraz się śmiejesz bo jesteś idiota...
10. Zaraz wkleisz to na swój profil... nie rób tego... ;-;
11. Uśmiechasz się, bo się cieszysz ,że następni będą tak głupi jak ty !

Silver 1: [ ✔ ]
Silver 2 :[ ✔ ]
Silver 3 :[ ✔ ]
Silver 4 :[ ✔ ]
Silver Elite :[ ✔ ]
Silver Elite Master :[ ✔ ]
Gold Nova 1 :[ ✔ ]
Gold Nova 2 :[ ✔ ]
Gold Nova 3 :[ ✔ ]
Gold Nova Master :[ ✔]
Master Guardian 1 :[ ✔]
Master Guardian 2 :[ ✘ ]
Master Guardian Elite :[ ✘ ]
Distinguished Master Guardian :[ ✘ ]
Legendary Eagle :[✘]
Legendary Eagle Master :[ ✘ ]
Supreme Master First Class:[ ✘ ]
The Global Elite :[ ✘ ]
Currently Offline
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
Before adding, please read:
I hate scammers, if you attemp to scam me you will get deleted/blocked.
Do not expect me to add your friend, that just doesn't work.
Never claim or ask for free stuff, nobody gives me anything free.
Be patient, the moment you message me I could be busy, I answer all sensible
messages when I have time.
I will never add you if you have your inventory set to private.
I know the item's market price. Do not forward lowballs or you will be deleted.
I trade only CS:GO items. Sending me an offer with, or consisting of an item(s)
from any other game will result as its denial.
I speak fluenlty only on English and Polish languages. I will not understand if you
will write me something in the other ones.
markeloff™ !VAC! 30 Jan, 2016 @ 2:55am 
nkante7 22 Dec, 2015 @ 7:29am 
+rep good teammate