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Brandy 18 юли 2023 в 18:51 
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Jon 9 май 2023 в 18:24 
yall losers are down bad LMAO
GoldenKnight175 9 май 2023 в 8:53 
KabirVal TTV 4 ноем. 2022 в 15:03 
Are you a girl? A girl on the internet. That's crazy. I've never talked to a girl before. If you really are a girl I'm really thankful. If what I said is true then I would like to add you as a friend. Thank you. It's just crazy that there's a girl on the internet. So, please. Accept my friend request. I can't wait to see what games we will play online. want to hop in a VC. If you have the time, we can hop in a Voice Channel and have a long chat. I can help you improve your among us skills. Please, I really want to talk to you. Do you have a snapchat? I really want to add you. What's your Instagram BTW? I'm just so happy right now. It's just insane. I never thought that I could find a woman on the internet. I have been living in my mom's basement and my mom left me. You are the first women I have talked to in many years. In fact, your presence even gives me nostalgia. That's how long I haven't seen or talked to a girl. I want to be around you all the time. Please and thank you <3
Bobbo 9 юли 2022 в 19:56 
Are you a girl? A girl on the internet. That's crazy. I've never talked to a girl before. If you really are a girl I'm really thankful. If what I said is true then I would like to add you as a friend. Thank you. It's just crazy that there's a girl on the internet. So, please. Accept my friend request. I can't wait to see what games we will play online. want to hop in a VC. If you have the time, we can hop in a Voice Channel and have a long chat. I can help you improve your among us skills. Please, I really want to talk to you. Do you have a snapchat? I really want to add you. What's your Instagram BTW? I'm just so happy right now. It's just insane. I never thought that I could find a woman on the internet. I have been living in my mom's basement and my mom left me. You are the first women I have talked to in many years. In fact, your presence even gives me nostalgia. That's how long I haven't seen or talked to a girl. I want to be around you all the time. Please and thank you <3
ADunkey 24 февр. 2022 в 15:57 
Този коментар очаква анализиране от системата ни за автоматична проверка на съдържанието. Той ще бъде временно скрит, докато потвърдим, че не включва вредно съдържание (напр. връзки към уебсайтове, които опитват да откраднат информация).