Desmond   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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Uplay name : J9639_ LOL name : J9639
Kirjautunut ulos
Taideteosten esittely
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pelattu 401 tuntia
I killed my whole family because they said being panda apache cis white green chromosone gendered was stupid
I rate 10/10

PS: Im dead inside
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
✪ Demoral 31.1.2023 klo 7.39 
✪seven✪ 1.5.2021 klo 14.41 
Do you have a life
woxxtar 1.5.2021 klo 11.49 
yo it's soon to be 3 months since I reminded you that you're mad ugly so yeah ur still ugly as ♥♥♥♥ brothermans
woxxtar 2.2.2021 klo 11.13 
ur ugly
✪seven✪ 2.2.2021 klo 8.59 
And you also almost triple my playtime? So sort of expected really ain't it.
woxxtar 2.2.2021 klo 5.05 
Sorry bud it's 3.5 years still 2 years longer than I've been playing and I'm more than double your peak DOG